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Picture is what Ryann looks like.
It's short it's crap don't hate me

Andy's PoV
We spent the rest of the afternoon just really getting to know Ryann and the things about her from ashley, no one dared to mention the video or his selfharm or his depression, it was just a normal day like none of that had happened except there was an 8 year old with us now.

"So Ash, who is Ryann's mom?" I asked Ashley now that all the guys were occupied,

"Aurora is, well, was. It was back when we first came to LA, when we were in the porn industry." He said, he never took his eyes off Ryann, just watching her, admiring her, from what I've seen he loves her a lot, like she's his world, she probably is.

"What's up dudes?" Sammi, jinxxs girlfriend, came through the door, interrupting me from asking ashley anything more, she was really happy if you ask me, too happy,

"What's got you all smilie?" I asked her, slightly scared.

"I heard a little someone called ashley was back!" She exclaimed looking over toward him, "and there's a child." She noted, "where'd the kid come from?"

"She's mine." Ash stated, not in a mean way but in such a way that says don't say anything else.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go into the kitchen and make you guys some dinner cause we are not ordering pizza!" Sammi said as the rest of the guys groaned in protest,

"Quiet! Or no food for you!" She roared from the kitchen, immediately rendering the guys temporarily mute.

"Daddy? When we going home?" A tired looking Ryann asked, she was still in her pajamas from last night since we didn't have clothes for her yet, and she was still wearing Ashley's jumper,

"Soon sweetheart, soon." Ashley looked exhausted himself, he didn't sleep much last night for obvious reasons but he didn't just look sleep tired if you know what I mean,

"I'll drive you guys over once you've had some dinner, okay?" I spoke softly at the young child, to she nodded her head and proceeded to climb up on my lap and curl up,

"Your nice, I like you." She mumbled against her thumb which she had begun to suck, a feeling of adoration swelled inside at her words, "but daddy won't eat dinner." She added, sadly. I choose to ignore those last words, not to be rude but because I had no response to them.

Once we all had a large plate of food and had settled back in the living room, I had taken a plate for ashley since he refused to move we began to eat and carry on, CC was messing around with his food to entertain Ryann which continuously sent us into hysterics, especially when he stuck fries up his nose,

When we had all managed to stop our laughter it was only a few seconds before I noticed that Ashley had gone, the guys looked just as puzzled as I felt so I'm guessing they had no idea he left either, deciding to look for him I get up and head out into the hallway, at the bottom of the stairs I could faintly hear small muffled sobs coming from upstairs.

Following the sound I tread lightly as u make my way upstairs and down the hallway till I was outside the guest bedroom, the sobs were louder and more strangled, he had to be on the other side  of the door.

Opening the guest bedroom I see Ashley facing the wall, away from the door, he was curled in on himself, shoulders shaking hard as he fought to contain the sobs that wracked his body, I moved over so I was beside him and encircled my arms around him as I sat on the bed with him, he didn't protest like I thought he might, rather he melted into me and continued to cry.

I sat there with my arms wrapped around him for what felt like the tenth time today as he cried his little heart out, he'd shed to many tears lately and I shouldn't of let them fall.

Sitting up he turned to look me, his gorgeous sparkling brown eyes still glistening with tears, before I thought about it anymore I took the moment and captured his lips in mine in a blissful kiss, the world seemed forgotten for the seconds we were connected, nothing else was important.

An/:Sorry for the massive delay in update, I'm not going to sit and try explain because I honestly have nothing,

What do you think I could do to improve this story?
-Ryann 🎶

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