Welcome To The Family

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?'s PoV
I was just finishing making dinner for Ryann and myself when I heard a car pull up on the driveway outside, I wasn't expecting anyone so when the doorbell rang I made sure Ryann was safely upstairs while I answered it, say I'm paranoid I don't care, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

My eyes widened at the sad and depressing sight on the other side of the door, clothes hanging of his unhealthily skinny frame, tear stains and blood smears on his face and a small duffle bag. I was speechless and frozen,

"Hey Light."

God I hadn't heard that nickname in years, I didn't answer him at first just quickly pulled him inside and wrapping him in a tight embrace.

"Good job I always make more food than necessary," I said with a light laugh as I shut over the front door, "cause I think this is gonna be a long story."

"Ryann, come here a second." I shout up to her, grinning, she's gonna be so happy. I heard her moving around upstairs before she made her way downstairs, Ashley was watching the stairs intently he loves her so much and hates that he doesn't get to see her very often.

"Daddy!!" Ryann squealed as she laid eyes upon him, before running as fast as she could into his awaiting arms.

"Baby girl you've grown so much!! I missed you!!" I heard Ashley say into her shoulder length brown hair, as he held her as though she might disappear.

Yes, Ryann is Ashley's 8 year old daughter, when me and Ashley first moved to LA we tried everything to get money, we ended up in the porn industry. We did straight porn because we were both as straight as a round about, we had to do a scene together which ended in me pregnant. Ashley helps out so much and we see him when we can, but sometimes it's a long while between visits, thankfully Ryann understands that it's his job.

"Momma? Is daddy gonna stay for dinner?" I heard Ryann say, Ashley laughed and ruffled her hair answering the question for me,

"Yes sweetheart I am." Ashley answered while going into the kitchen with Ryann on his heels.

"So what happened?" I questioned Ashley as we sat down for dinner, Ryann was eating in the living room cause I didn't really want her to hear this,

"They kicked me out," Ashley started, "basically after Andy introduced his boyfriend I started being a complete ass to him, Jinxx found out about my self harm, and everyone else just hated me for always starting fights. I was never the instigator but they always blamed me. So I packed a bag, made a video telling them everything and drove here, they've probably seen the video already."

"Have they texted you or anything?" I asked,

"Don't know, I switched my phone off before I even left the house." He said, he wasn't eating anything, I know he's anorexic, in fact I know all his secrets,

"Ash eat a little, please, for me?" I asked with my best puppy dog eyes, he can never refuse these eyes, I saw him smile softy before starting to nibble at his food.

Ryann had already finished her dinner and brought her plate through and was now watching kids cartoons by the time me and Ash finished.

I sent Ryann upstairs to get ready for bed while I got more details off of Ashley, From how he punched Andy's boyfriend, Cobolt, and how everyone was extremely pissed and said he was to either explain or leave, and Ashley being the stupid idiot he is choose to leave.
He also said how no one cares anymore, everyone had turned against him and was trying to hurt him, how they just wanted to ruin his life, but this was his family he was talking about, they wouldn't do something like that, would they?

Ash had just tucked Ryann into bed, he's so great with her I couldn't of asked for a better father for my child, he even read her a story just like he used to, before he was always busy with the band, when he came over everyday and usually stayed the night, but he has a responsibility to his fans and his band mates.

Now we were settling down to bed ourselves, I only had two bedrooms and I'm not gonna make him sleep on the couch or floor, I'm not that mean. We are comfortable enough with each other to be able to sleep in the same bed, I mean come on! We've had sex together, this is nothing.
It was still pretty early, 9pm but we decided to go to sleep and I'm sure Ashley would be thankful for an early night.

"We will start working out a plan for you in the morning. For now get some sleep." I said to him, he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Goodnight Aurora." I heard him sigh before light snores began emitting from his lips.

"Goodnight Ashley."

I needed to add a new character so I thought 'why not give him a kid while we're at it?'
Let me ken what ya think of it,
Tital-Avenged Sevenfold-Welcome To The Family
-Ryann 🎶

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