Chapter Two

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Monday morning all of the students in the school groggily awake, or don't, to get ready for their first classes of the year. In the room of both Blue and Neeve, an annoying alarm rings violently for a few seconds until an arm snakes out from under a pile of covers and smashes down on the old clock.

"Uggh, your clock is so annoying Blue!" Neeve cries as she slithers out of bed and to her dresser. Blue does likewise and then heads to the bathroom. Much to her surprise Neeve follows her in and rips the shower curtain open."Don't look now," She says with a wink as she steps into the shower, strips down in there and tosses her clothes over the curtain. Within seconds the shower is running and steam fills the room.

Weird, Blue thinks, but nevertheless she stays in the bathroom and tries desperately to get all of her hair in a single ponytail. It is a long process that involves numerous clips and bobby pins of various colors and shapes. After she has accomplished her most tedious task she brushes her teeth and then goes back into her room to change.

Looking down at her brand new Aglionby Academy uniform that doesn't even so much as have a loose thread, she wonders why it's necessary for the girls to have a different uniform from the boys. During the winter the boys wear kaki pants and the girls wear thick leggings under their skirts. When it's hot out like it is now the girls wear skirts or skorts while the boys may wear their pants or shorts. But both the men and women wear the same shirts. It is up to each student to decide when it is to cold or hot to wear something. In Blue's mind, it is absurd that there has to be a uniform at all, but having two different ones is preposterous.

Carefully Blue looks at her reflection in the full length mirror that hangs on the back of the bathroom door. Sighing at her sight, she touches one of the clips in her hair and whispers,"At least I'm allowed to have these."

Jut at this time Neeve comes out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go. "Excited Blue?" Neeve yawns tiredly.

"As excited as I can be," Blue says smiling half heartedly.

"Great then, let's go," Neeve murmurs, still tired. Both girls grab their messenger bags full of books and binders before they lock their door and head out into the school.

Meanwhile, in the boys dorms Gansey and Adam have already gotten dressed without so much as a single word being spoken between them. The same could be said about Noah and Ronan's room except for the moment Ronan pulled off his night shirts and Noah laughed in delight at the sight of Ronan's tattoos, causing Ronan to shake is his head in amusement.

From here they separate, as Blue and Noah head to psychology and Ronan, Gansey, Adam, and Neeve to Honors Latin.

Looking around his new classroom Noah hopes that he won't have to be alone. "Hey Noah!" He hears Blue cry from her seat in the back of the classroom by the back window. Smiling in delight he heads over to her and sits in the seat next to her.

"I was hoping I'd find someone here with me," Blue sighs in contentment.

"Yeah me too," Noah replies while taking out various things from his bag that he'll need for class.

"Soooo," Blue draws out, "is this your first time at Aglionby or what?"

Noah shakes his head. "No this will be my second year here. I came as a sophomore."

"What made you leave your old school?" Blue questions.

Noah stares at the ground where his foot plays with a stray pencil. "I don't know. Me and my parents just thought that this school would be better."

"Well," Blue sighs. "this is supposed to be one of the best schools in the country."

"Yeah but you'll learn pretty soon that this is really just like any other school out there," Noah says, smiling at Blue to calm her first day nerves. Smiling back, Blue goes to say more, but stops because the teacher walks into the room.

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