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Finally at Chapter Nine; the chapter I have been waiting for since the start.


Peggy's PoV

She opened the door to her apartment, her eyes drooping with exhaustion as she walked in and locked the door.

Peggy checked her watch and groaned.

It was 3:00am.

She dragged her exhausted body to the bathroom where she looked in the mirror. She looked exactly how she felt; like she had been dragged through a bush backwards. She leaned forward to get a closer look at the plaster on her forehead. She gently pressed around the edges, checking for tenderness. After he had finished with the Captain, Brown had cleaned and bandaged the wound, telling her that it would heal in a few days.

She sighed and stepped back from the mirror. She felt disgusting and was still covered in dried blood. At this stage, she couldn't tell you exactly who's blood it was because there had been so much of it around her on that mission.

She stripped as quickly has her wrecked body would allow her and climbed into the shower. She washed the sweat and grim from her skin and hair as she stood under the warm stream of water, focusing on one job at at time.

Peggy dried herself off and put on a fresh nightgown, again not letting her mind wander. She pinned up her hair in small buns all around her hair, so that in the morning, when she let it out, it would curl more naturally. Finally, the agent walked out of the bathroom and headed for her bed, feeling refreshed and ready for a good sleep.

It was when she climbed into bed and turned off her light that her overtired brain kicked into gear. Her mind went wild, filling with more thoughts than she could process in her tired state. She thought back to the moment she had had with Steve on the plane, instantly being hit with guilt. She sat up suddenly, putting her head in her hands.

What had she done? She had nearly kissed Steve! How could she do that to Scott?! She was an engaged woman for crying out loud!

The ball of guilt grew inside of her, eating away at her insides. She felt like she was going to get sick. She ran to the bathroom, covering her mouth before falling to the floor at the toilet. She gagged but nothing came up. She stayed there for a few moments, trying to focus on breathing.

"In and out. Deep breath in and let it out. In and out," she thought, slowly calming herself down.

Once she had calmed down slightly, she moved back to her bedroom, absentmindedly wiping away tears that she didn't know had fallen.

Peggy flopped onto her bed, laying on her stomach with her face in a pillow. She had already said yes to drinks with Steve. He needed to talk, that much was obvious. She couldn't let him down, not if he needed a friend.

"What am I going to do?" she asked herself.

"Pull yourself together woman!" She whispered angrily to herself. "Okay, this is what you're do," she said, counting them out in her fingers. "Tomorrow you'll go to Scott's, have lunch and spend some time with him. You will tell him about drinks with Steve and specify that it will be a friendly drink because that is what it's going to be. You're friends with Captain Rogers now. Nothing more," she told herself firmly. She paused thinking of anything else. "You're going to have to tell Steve about the engagement too. He doesn't know, but he needs to. It has to happen tonight. All of it. You are not leading him on anymore. No. Tonight, you cut all romantic ties with Steve Rogers."


She woke up with the light streaming in through the gap in her curtains. She really needed to get knew curtains.

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