Twenty - Six

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Steve's PoV


He looked around them, searching for the person calling his name, but he couldn't see anyone. All he could see was the docklands stretching out around the old tree they sat in.

"Buck, did you call me?" He asked, looking back at his partner-in-crime.

"Nope," his best friend said, popping his 'p'. "What's wrong, Steve? Ya ain't losin' yer marbles, are ya?" The older boy asked as he picked at the branch beside him with his nails.

"Dunno, Buck. I swear I heard someone callin' me."

"Well it wasn't me, an' I don't think there's anyone else up here," the taller boy said with a gummy smile, due to his lack of front teeth. "Maybe it's a ghost!"

"C'mon Buck, we don' believe in ghosts. Remember what Father Doyle said?" Steve asked, moving himself slightly so he could get more comfortable on the branch.

"'Course I do! Sheesh, you sound like my Ma."

They both smiled at each other and started laughing before Bucky stopped, his face suddenly serious.



"What is it?"

"Steve," he said again.

Steve felt something poke him, making him jump. He looked around them again, but he couldn't see anything. His heart started to race as Bucky's expression changed.

"Bucky, what's happening? Stop it, you're scarin' me!"

His friend just dead panned and cocked his head to the side.

"For god's sake man!"

And with that something Steve felt something whack over his head and he fell; fell from the tree, his friend's name on his lips.


Steve jolted awake with a fright, ready to fight off an attacker, his mind already going into combat mode. He looked around him and saw he was still in Peggy's apartment and that she was on top of him. He mentally signed with relief. He went to smile and say hello, but her alarmed look made him stop.

"Peg-" he asked at a normal volume, but Peggy quickly covered his mouth with her hand to stop him.

He just raised an eyebrow at her.

"The doctor and nurse are currently at the door and are here to check my stitches and well... You slept over," Peggy whispered.

Steve's eyes widened suddenly.

"Oh god, no."

He looked to the door and to Peggy and back again before he raced to stand up, grabbing his jacket and shoes and heading for her bedroom. Peggy ran after him.

"Where in the name of God are you going?"

"Out the window," he said, pointing towards it, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and it was, at least to him.

"Are you crazy?

"Maybe, but have you got a better plan?"

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