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Peggy's PoV

"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you okay? I saw you fall an-" the voice stopped suddenly.

Peggy couldn't place it, but she felt like it was the most obvious thing in the world, as if it was staring her right in the face. Her numb brain slowly started putting the pieces of the puzzle together as she stared up at the street sign.

"Rogers Avenue," she thought to herself. "Rogers. Rogers?"


Peggy turned towards the voice, her eyes landing on the slightly reddened, cold bitten, confused face of Captain America.

"St-Steve?" She asked through unnoticed chatters of her teeth, as her brain woke up, taking in what was happening.

Peggy's head began spinning as questions flew all over her brain, making it hard to make one thought.

As Peggy looked up at the man crouched beside her, he offered her his hand, which she took almost as a reflex. He helped her up, his big hand encircling her smaller freezing one as they stood up.

"Why is he here?" Peggy asked herself, looking up at the taller man, as she tried not to fall again.

"Peg? Are you okay?"

"Y-yes," she replied with a curt nod, not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself.

"Would you like a coffee to heat you up? I live just here," Steve asked, pointing towards the building behind them.

"Ehm... I'm not sure, Steve," she said looking at the ground.

She hesitantly brought her eyes up to meet his again as she sighed.

"I don't want to lead him along anymore. It's not fair for anyone," she thought. "I'm with Scott and I..... Oh. Wait."

She felt tears sting the back of her eyes, as she looked down the street and away from Steve, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Come on, Peg. It's a cup of coffee and you're freezing! You need to warm up before you get sick."

She started to protest again, but Steve held up a hand to stop her.

"I'm not takin' no for an answer. Now, come on," he said in his Captain America voice.

Peggy nodded, a small smile on her face as he led her inside, his hand still holding onto hers.

She followed Steve up the stairs, looking around her, taking in the building he lived in as they went. It was nice. Very nice. Peggy was looking at one of the random painting on the wall when she walked into something hard; Steve's side. He had stopped outside what must have been his apartment; 2B.

Peggy couldn't help herself as a quote came tumbling out of her mouth as she stared at the door.

"To be or not to be? That is the question-
Whether 'Tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take the arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep-
No more - and by a sleep to we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to - 'Tis a cons-" Peggy stopped herself when she saw the look on Steve's face. It was one of awe.

"What?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows, daring him to test her.

"Shakespeare?" Steve asked, as he opened the door.

A smile began forming on Peggy's face as he continued to gaze at her, the look of surprise and wonder making her blush slightly.

"I'm more than just a pretty face, Rogers," she said with a cocky grin as she walked into his apartment.

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