Part Fifteen: Meeting the Past

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"Be warned," Heimdall started as he always did. "If your return threatens the safety of Asgard I will not open the Bifrost."

Heimdall sent you towards Alfheim, spinning through the blinding lights of space for a matter of seconds before landing on the outskirts of a forest in a wide-open field area.

You clutched at your head, the ground spinning below you. You had forgotten about the dizziness associated with traveling the Bifrost, but Eir was already taking a step towards you to heal you. She placed her hand on top of your head and nearly immediately your vertigo was gone.

You smiled at her. "Thanks, again." You looked around you, this time taking everything in. Surrounding the giant field was a massive forest. To the south of you though, there was a faint glow in the evening sky.

"Is this it?" You turned and asked Eir. She shrugged.

"Lecessa and I may have been good friends but she never brought me to see her home land." Eir sighed, looking sad. "She had expected to live the rest of her life on Asgard."

"Oh." You looked over at Eir. "Sorry," you said. "I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay," Eir replied. "I was her best friend on Asgard. If anyone would know it would have been me."


"Besides," Eir continued, "While we're here looking for Lecessa, everything is going to bring up memories. Good and bad."

"If you say so." You still felt bad, but there wasn't anything you could do it about it.

"So," Eir started, changing the subject. "Since we don't know where to find Lecessa, shall we find out where that glow is coming from?" Eir pointed towards the south. "It's probably a city."

"Yeah," you agreed. "It's the best clue we have right now."

Eir led the way into the forest while you trailed closely behind. After a couple minutes of walking, both you and Eir quickly learned the fatal flaw of your plan. Neither of you could see through the thick canopy of trees above you.

"What are we going to do?" you asked rhetorically, slumping down onto a fallen log. "We're going to be trapped in this forest forever."

"Don't worry so much," Eir told you. "We just need to head back out the way we came in."

"Which is?" you asked.

"I'm not sure yet..." Eir admitted.

You sighed heavily, placing your hand on your stomach. The baby was kicking gently now, probably complaining about the bumpy ride, you thought to yourself.

"What happens if we-" You saw something move out of the corner of your eye. Eir obviously saw it too, because the two of you turned your heads in unison in the direction the movement had come from.

"Who's there?" You called out, your voice a little shaking.

"You are strange," a high, soft voice called back. A woman with golden-blonde hair that was almost floor-length peeked out from behind a nearby tree. When she saw Eir, her eyes widened in recognition, as did Eir's.

"Lecessa?" Eir asked, taking a step towards the tree. "Is that you?"

"Eir?" Lecessa walked out from behind the tree and looked the goddess up and down. Lecessa'a skin was very pale, almost to the point where it looked a little bit like she was literally glowing.

"You have not aged at all. It is so nice to see you!" Lecessa embraced Eir tightly and you could see both of them smiling.

"I've missed you," Eir admitted. "A lot."

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