Part Nine: Kick

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The next three months went by pretty calmly. You and Loki were happy together, and spent a good amount of time with each other. Although, the silent drama between Eir and Loki and whatever had happened between them continued. Unfortunately for your sanity, neither of them said anything about it to you. You decided that pregnancy really sucked, seeing as you had to endure exhaustion, nausea, and aches and pains you didn't even know were possible. But your face did light up when Eir told you that so far the baby was very healthy and there were no signs of complications. She also told you that you would probably feel the child's first kick soon.

“So I was wondering,” Eir started.

You looked up. “That's never good.” You smiled jokingly at her.

“Ha ha,” she replied sarcastically. “Anyways, what do you think about Thor and I getting married?”

Nearly snorting juice out of your nose, you choked on your drink. “What?”

Eir smiled. “Well, he hasn't officially asked yet, but I can tell he's going to. And I wanted your opinion. So...?”

You took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. Finally you came to a conclusion. “Honestly, I think it's a little early. I know you guys are happy, but you haven't been together for very long. Despite all the history behind you.”

Eir shrugged. “True, but that didn't exactly stop you and Loki.”

“We grew up together,” you pointed out. “But.... do whatever makes you the happiest. If you want to marry Thor and he feels the same way, go for it. I'm certainly not going to stop you.”

Eir pouted. “I do, but I also don't want to get stuck in something bad. I've seen relationships turn sour, sometimes even before being married. And....” Eir trailed off, getting lost in her thoughts.

You caught her attention. “The best advice I have for you is to do what feels right. I'm sorry I can't exactly help more, but I don't actually know Thor all that well. I've always been closer to Loki.”

Eir bit her bottom lip and nodded. “It's okay. You made some good points. And like I said, he hasn't asked yet, so I have some time to think.”

Eir and you said goodbye to each other, parting in the hallway. Not having anything pressing to do, and wanting a break, you headed back to your (and Loki's) room to read for a little while. You picked up your book, but found you couldn't focus on Steve's relationship troubles, thinking about Eir and Thor. What if they did get married? What would happen then? And why was Eir so jittery about the thought of it? She seemed like the type of person who would be ecstatic about that kind of thing. You rolled over on the bed, letting the questions flutter around in your mind. Then something struck you. Did this have anything to do with the reason Eir and Loki didn't exactly get along? The thought that Eir and Loki could have been married or engaged came into your mind, but you quickly pushed it away.

You were about to get up when Loki opened the door and walked into the room.

“Hi,” you said.

“Hi, ________,” he replied. “I hadn't expected to find you in here.”

“Well, I wanted a break. Eir and I finished talking and pregnancy is surprisingly taxing.”

Loki smiled and embraced you. “Would you like me to leave so you can get some more rest?”

You shook you head. “No, I'm up now. Besides, I didn't get much rest anyways.”

“Why not?”

“Thinking about things.”

“Like what?” Loki pried.

“Just things,” you replied simply.

Loki gave you a look that clearly said “tell me”, but you brushed him off. It wasn't something you were interested in telling anyone right now. And you didn't think Eir would want you to relay to Loki that Thor might be proposing to her in the near future.

“If you are up for it,” Loki started. “Would you like to take a walk through the palace gardens? It's something we used to do as children.”

“I remember,” you said, smiling. “I'd love to.”

“Are you certain you can do it?”

You shot Loki a look. “Loki, I'm pregnant, I'm not dying.”

“Sorry,” Loki apologized. “You have looked tired lately, I didn't want you to over-work yourself.”

“Don't worry about me so much,” you said, trying to be serious, but smiling anyways. “I can-” you were interrupted by a feeling in your stomach. You placed your hand on your abdomen, not knowing what was happening.

“Are you alright?” Loki asked.

A grin slowly spread on your face as you remembered what Eir had told you. You felt the movement again.

“Loki! It's kicking!”

“What's kicking?”

“The baby! The baby's kicking!” You beamed, beckoning Loki to feel your stomach.

Loki gently placed his hand next to yours and the two of you waited in silence for the child to kick again. After a moment, it did. Loki's face lit up upon feeling the kick, and he wrapped his other arm around your shoulders.

“This is incredible,” he said, smiling.

“I know,” you agreed. You moved your hand so it rested on top of his. The baby kicked twice more, each time making you and Loki grin happily.

Loki let his hand slip off your your stomach and tenderly placed a kiss on your cheek. “I love you,” he whispered.


Hey, it's me again! So here's the other update (obviously...) As for the character one-shots that have been requested, I will hopefull have those written and uploaded in the next week-or-so (although I am writting the scrpit for a movie currently, but typically the one-shots are quick for me to write).

See you next Sunday!

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