Part Twelve: Advice

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 After a moment of self-pity, you clenched your fist and wiped the tears out of your eyes. You needed to fix this.

 You went back inside the palace, rushing through the halls until you reached your destination. You knocked on the door frantically until it opened.

 "I need to talk to you," you said seriously to Thor. The sleepy-looking god rubbed his eyes and glanced down at you.

 "What is it, _________?"

 "I need your help," you told him, your voice cracking.

"What is wrong?" Thor asked, concerned.

 "I-" A single tear rolled down your cheek.

 "Do not cry," Thor said gently. "Come here." Thor embraced you tightly. The feeling of his strong arms around you was reassuring and you blinked the tears away from your eyes.

 "Now," Thor started, his voice deep, "What has happened?"

 "I've made a really big mistake."

 Thor looked at you, waiting for you to continue.

 "I- I've- I-" you stuttered, trying to find the words to explain everything.

 "It is alright," Thor assured you. "I will not judge you."

 "It's not about that," you said.

 "Then what is it about?" Thor questioned.

 You took a deep breath. "Do you remember Loki's....girlfriend, Lecessa?"

 "I am not aware of any woman named Lecessa," Thor replied. "Though I do remember a Alfheimr girl from long ago that Loki spent all of his time with. I know not what her fate was. She disappeared from Asgard one day and never returned. But after that, Eir and Loki no longer got along. What about her?"

 You sighed, trying to muster the emotional and mental strength to get through the next conversation. "Well, he told me everything about her. How they were in love, and also very much in lust. And how she got pregnant and Loki promised to stay with her forever, but didn't. He "left her at the alter" on their wedding day. That's why she disappeared. She returned to Alfheim. And that's also why Eir and Loki don't get along anymore. She and Lecessa were best friends."

 For once in his life, Thor was at a loss for words. So instead of speaking boldly like he usually did, he stuttered out: "I am astonished my brother has such- coldness in his heart- to perform such a painful- act."

 "I know," you agreed. "But that's not the main problem right now."

 "Then what is?"

 "Well, after Loki told me, I might have overreacted... I just got so worked up and maybe I took it a little bit personally. But I yelled and argued and when he tried to calm me down by telling me he loved me, I questioned that too."

 "Ah, I understand."

 "I need to apologize to him. But," you hesitated.


 "I'm not sure if he completely deserves immediate forgiveness. I- I want to forgive him, but I also know what he did was completely wrong and there's a part of me that just can't forget something like that. I know that Loki would never do something like that to me, but at the same time...." You looked up at Thor like a lost puppy. "I just don't know what to do."

 Thor placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled down at you. "Do what feels right. Listen to your heart, even the tiny voice deep within it. And do not give up your dreams or yourself for someone else. No matter how strongly you love them."

 "When did you become so philosophical?"

 "I have watched many Midgardian movies recently."

 You giggled at that, then hugged Thor again. "Thanks for the advice. And thanks for being such a great friend."

 Thor hugged you back tightly. When you pulled away, he beamed.

 "See you around," you said, staring to walk away.

 "Actually," Thor started.


 "May I have your advice on something now?"

 You smiled. "Of course, what is it?"

 Thor looked away from you and the slightest rosy blush started to blossom on his cheeks.

 "I have been thinking about proposing to Eir," he muttered. It was different, and even a little strange to see him like this. Thor was always so sure of himself, so to see him blushing and muttering, and refusing to meet your eyes, was actually a little surprising.

 "That's great," you assured him.



 "I am afraid it may be too early. Eir and I have not been together for very long."

 "Do you love her?"

 "Of course I do. She is sunny, and humorous, and friendly, and kind, and beautiful, and-" Thor stopped himself, realizing what he was doing. "I am just concerned her response will be no, because of our history and-"

 "Look, I'll tell you-" you stopped yourself mid-sentence. Thor didn't know that Eir knew. So of course saying "I'll tell you what I told Eir," would be a horrible idea. "I'll give you the best advice I can," you said, recovering. "If you love her, ask her. Chances are, she'll say yes anyways."

 "How do you know?"

 "Just a feeling," you replied, shrugging.

 Thor sighed. "But when should I do it? It should be sometime romantic, right? I want it to be perfect and-"

 "Calm down," you told Thor. "Just ask whenever the time seems right. Even if it isn't sometime romantic, it will be as soon as you propose. If you want something really romantic, I would suggest maybe a candlelit-dinner or something. Okay?"

 Thor let out a deep breath and them smiled. "Okay. I think I am capable of doing this now."

 "Good. In that case I need to go find Loki. We need to talk. Wish me luck."

 "May you fare well."

 "Good luck to you too."


Yay! I'm back!

So, just so you know, since I have homework-heavy classes this year (ugh), updates will be bi-monthly (twice a month) on the first and third Sunday of each month. So the next update will come on the 21st.

See you then!

Ours (Sequel to Mine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon