Part Ten: Tell Me

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 By the fifth month, it was becoming very visible that you were indeed, pregnant. Loki paraded you around proudly, much to your embarrassment. But, you were happy that he was happy, and that he was so proud of your child. You went to your first now-bi-monthly check-up with Eir, and she told you that everything was alright so far. She said that the child was a bit big, but that you shouldn't worry because there isn't a set weight for a baby. And that at this point in the pregnancy, anywhere around a pound is healthy. Your baby was a pound and two ounces. Eir asked if you wanted to know that child's gender, which was possible now, but you shook your head and replied that you wanted it to be a surprise.

That evening, you and Eir had dinner together out in the gardens. You had the strongest craving for peaches, and Eir promised to make you her own special peach dessert afterwards. The two of you were talking about what Loki would be like as a father, although Eir seemed a little distant from the conversation as you slowly took bites of your dinner.

“I think he'll be a great dad,” you put in, smiling. “He's so doting, I'll bet he'll constantly spoil our child.”

“Um-hmm.” Eir nodded, shoving another bite into her mouth.

“What's wrong?” You asked.

She swallowed. “Nothing.”

“No, really,” you pried.

Eir sighed, looking up at you. “You aren't going to let me off the hook are you?”


Eir took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She glanced at you, then down at the ground, then sighed again. “I can't tell you,” she finally said.

“Come on,” you encouraged, although you were starting to suspect this was the same old issue between Eir and Loki. “I can keep a secret, if it's a secret that needs keeping.”

Eir shook her head. “Not if it's a secret you would be happier not knowing.”

“Go on, tell her,” a deep voice said. You looked up and saw Loki standing off to the side of the table. He could clearly see the look of “what are you doing here?” on your face, because he explained, “It was getting late, so I came looking for you. I thought maybe Eir finally told you once and for all and you ran away.”

“Told her what?” Eir asked innocently.

“You know what,” Loki replied, his voice with just a glint of hatred in it.

“No, I don't think I do. Please, explain,” Eir forced a smile. The passive-aggressive tension in the air was becoming almost unbearable.

“Eir is just upset because she gets too involved into other people's lives,” Loki said to you. You didn't say anything back. There was no way you were getting involved in this.

“Excuse me?” Eir said, her voice rising and her face twisting into anger.

“I cannot possibly understand why you care so much,” Loki sighed. Eir looked like she was about to erupt. “After all, she was just a friend.”

“Just a friend?! She was practically my sister!! I can't believe you!” Eir started stomping off, but instead turned around sharply. “You don't deserve _______! You are a worthless, lying-” she stopped herself before letting anything too horrible slip out of her mouth. “Urgh!!” Eir stormed off, leaving you and Loki alone together.

“Tell me,” you said, after Eir was out of sight.

Loki shook his head, refusing you.

“Tell me,” you repeated, the tone of your voice hard and demanding.

“No,” Loki replied simply. “I refuse to tell you something you would be happier not knowing.”

“That's what you and Eir keep saying, but honestly, I don't think it's true. I want to know, I'm tired of being left in the dark.”

Loki gave you an uncertain look.

“Remember when I promised I would try not to judge you or get angry, even if you told me something that would upset me? Well, now is that time, and I'm ready to stick to that promise.”

Loki looked you up and down and he thought for a moment, before speaking. “I can't do it. If I tell you, you will certainly hate me, and I love you too much to allow that to happen.”

You were already irritated from having all your questions on this matter avoided for months, but this pushed you over the edge, once and for all. “Look, if you're going to tell me, tell me!!” you screamed. “I am sick and tired of being left out of this when it obviously is important and concerns our current relationship! So talk to me, or just leave me alone completely!!”

Loki's expression was one of surprise. He had never seen you this angry before. Sighing deeply and shutting his eyes, he hesitantly replied. “Alright, I'll tell you.”


3.....2.....1...... CLIFFHANGER!!

You knew it was coming. You had to know it was coming. I'm not that nice.

Wow, I updated on time! Maybe this will happen every week!

And, sorry to all my non-US fans for not using the metric system, but I grew up with the US measurement system, so it's all I know.

As always, enjoy, and see you on Sunday!

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