Part One: Surprise, It's What's for Dinner

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Loki smiled and reached out to brush his fingers against your cheek. "I love you," he whispered, leaning in and giving you a tender kiss.

"I know," you replied, smiling softly. "I love you too."


3 Months Later


“He's going to notice, he's so going to notice,” you said, pacing around the room.

“He's not going to notice,” Eir tried to assure you. “It's such a small difference.”

“Yeah.... but he'll notice.”

Eir shifted and slid off of the bed she was sitting on. She walked over to you and put her hand on your shoulder. “He is not going to notice such a little thing is missing.”

“Yes he will!” you shouted. You sighed and collapsed onto the bed.

The door knob clicked and Loki walked into the room.

“Good afternoon,” he said to you. He glanced at Eir, giving her a half-glare. “Hello Eir.”

“Hi Loki,” The Goddess of Healing said, returning his look.

“So why are you here?'

“Just talking with a friend,” Eir replied. “Is that a problem?”

“No...” Loki walked over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you up off of the bed. He kissed you, the turned to Eir. “But you will have to take your leave now,” he told her. “_________ and I have an important matter to attend to.” Loki gave you a suggestive look.

You pushed him away. “No, no we don't. Not now.”

“But why not?” Loki asked softly, grabbing both of your hands in his. His eyes widened. “________, where did your ring go?”


“You lost it!” Loki shouted, jumping to the obvious conclusion.

“No! Well, yes, but it wasn't on purpose!” you assured Loki.

“Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? You could completely forget everything we have ever done together!”

“Well, can't you just un-enchant the ring?”

“Not if I don't have it!” Loki yelled.

“I'm sorry,” you apologized quietly. “I really didn't try to loose it, but I took it off for a moment and now I don't know where it is.” You slumped down onto the bed. You were on the brink of tears.

Loki's expression softened when he saw this and he sat down next to you. “It's alright,” he said soothingly. “Do you remember, where did you have it last?”

“Well, I took I off to do something and after that I thought I put it back on, but I don't where it went.”

“Did you forget to put it back on? Have you checked the place you left it?”

“Yes! Twice!” I don't know where it is!”

Loki sighed and buried his face in his hands. “Do you know how awful this will be? Not only for me, but also for you, and Thor, and the rest of out friends, family and subjects. You will forget everything about me. When we first met, growing up together, our wedding, all of it. For all you will know, you will still think you are engaged to Thor! I have placed that ring under a powerful enchantment, if it is broken you will forget permanently . This is not like amnesia where something or someone could cause you to remember, it will gone, forever.”

Ours (Sequel to Mine)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora