Part Eleven: What I Want

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“A long time ago,” Loki stared, putting extra emphasis on the word 'long'. “I had another lover. Her name was Lecessa, and she was of Alfheim. She was Eir's best friend and absolutely beautiful. She had long blonde hair and eyes the color of chocolate. Eir introduced us and we fell in love instantaneously. After that we spent all our time together, wrapped in each other's arms, staring into each other's eyes, or with our bodies entwined...” Loki trailed off, seeing that his story was making you uncomfortable.

“Continue,” you told him, your voice sounding harsher than you had originally intended.

“We were happy. When she got pregnant, she was scared at frist, but I promised her I would stay with her forever. We even planned to get married. But then I broke her heart. On our wedding day, I ran. I left her standing alone next to mother, waiting to be married, and very much pregnant. Eir has told me Lecessa cried for hours after that and then went back to Alfheim. She has never returned.”

“That's horrible...” you breathed out. You couldn't even find words to describe everything that was going through your mind. More than anything you were shocked that Loki was even capable of something that awful.

“I know,” Loki said. “Putting aside personal reasons, I realize now that-”

“No, I mean that's really horrible,” you told Loki, latching onto anger. “Eir was right, you are awful. How could you do that to someone?”

“I was immature. I realize that is no excuse but-”

“You think? Being immature doesn't change the fact that you got some girl pregnant and promised to marry her, then stabbed her through the heart and left her. Eir was right to judge you harshly, you deserve it.”

“_________, I think you may be taking this a little too personally, you know that I would never do anything like this to you,” Loki said, trying to calm you down.

“I'm taking too personally? How about Lucia? Do you think she took it too personally when you left her?”

“Lecessa,” Loki corrected you.

“Besides,” you continued. “How do I know you wouldn't do the exact same thing to me? Obviously you've done to someone else before!”

“Because I love you,” Loki said firmly, staring you directly in the eyes. “And because I've grown up since then.”

Do you love me?” you questioned. You were fuming, but even as the words left you mouth you knew you had made a mistake.

Loki looked taken aback, and then his face darkened.

“Wait, Loki I-”

“If you do not wish to stay, then just go.”

“That's not what I meant, I just got too worked up over-”

“Leave!” Loki shouted, his back turned on you. “Go on, talk to Eir, run away from me, break the ring if you want, and forget me!”

“That's not what I want!” you screamed back at Loki.

“Well maybe it's what I want,” Loki said bitterly. He glanced back at you, and you could see the pain in his emerald eyes.

Loki turned sharply and walked off, not even looking back at you once. You lifted your hand, eyeing the ring on your finger. Tears fell from your eyes and landed as little droplets on your shaking fingers.

“Please,” you begged the far-away figure of Loki, “Don't go, I didn't mean it...”


So, that just happened.  *Explosions sound in the distance*


Since I feel like I'm always updating on Tuesday anyways, I'm going to change the official updating day from Sunday to Tuesday.

Also, I got the rest of the summer off from work, so maybe I'll actually be able to update on time! (Wouldn't that be a miracle!)

Oh, and in case you're curious, Lecessa's name and physical description come from another Loki story I have which I may or may not end up uploading on here. I haven't decided yet.

I think that's pretty much it. See you next Tuesday~

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