Part Five: And This Is Not The Hammer...

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“I'm going to go tell Thor the news,” you told Loki, getting up out of your chair.

“That's great, I will accompany you.”

“Actually,” you started, turning towards Loki. “I want to do this alone. I know we've both obviously moved on from our engagement, but I still think it'd be much better if I tell him myself, alone.”

“If you insist, dearest.”

“I do, thanks,” you said, giving Loki a kiss on the cheek and then leaving the dining room.

You wondered where Thor would be. You smiled. You knew exactly where he was, eating breakfast with Eir. You made you way down the gilded halls to the secondary dining-hall. You didn't want to interrupt their romantic breakfast, so you patiently waited outside the doors until they were finally finished.

“Thor!” You called, grabbing the well-fed god's attention.

“__________, hello.”

“Hi.” You forced a smile. “I have something important to tell you.” You internally laughed, that was the second time you had said that exact sentence today.

“What is it?” Thor asked. “Are you sick?”

“No!” You replied, almost yelling. “Why does everyone automatically assume that?”

Thor shook his head and shrugged. “So, what is it then?”

“Well,” You took deep breath, “I'm pregnant.”

“Congratulations!” Thor bellowed. He embraced you tightly, nearly squishing you.

“You're not upset?”

“Of course not,” Thor responded. “Why would I be upset?”

“Well, I just thought.... I mean.... well, we were know....I just thought that you'd be upset that your brother...well...”

Thor stopped you. “I'm not upset. I'm very happy for you. You and Loki are very happy together and now you will have a beautiful child. Besides, I have moved on as well, Eir and I are very much in love. And really good together when it comes to...bedroom matters.”

You closed your eyes and grimaced, getting a mental image you'd never be able to wash from your mind. You took a deep breath and regained your composure. “Well, I'm glad,” you said, nodding and smiling at Thor. “That you're not upset, not that you and Eir...” you trailed off, shaking your head and trying to get the image out of your mind.

Thor grinned, nearly laughing at your comment.

“Well, I see you around,” you said, not really knowing exactly how to finish off this conversation otherwise. You turned and starting walking away.

“Wait!” Thor said.

“What?” you spun around.

“Eir said earlier that she wanted to talk to you, she told me to tell you to meet her in her room. Did that make sense?” Thor wondered.

“Yeah,” your replied. “Alright, I will. I wonder what she wants to talk about.”

“I do not know, I believe she said “girl talk”. Does that mean anything to you?”

“Well, kind of,” you said, “but I don't know exactly what she wants to talk about. I'll go meet her now. Do you think she'll be there?”

“Yes,” Thor replied, quite certain. “She went there immediately after breakfast and told me to find you and tell you. She will be waiting for you to arrive.”

“Alright, see you later then!”

Thor waved as you traveled off to your room. When you got there you knocked.

“Come in,” Eir called. “It's your room...”

You opened the door and sauntered in. “I know,” you told her, “but I wanted to make sure you weren't changing or something.”

“Why would I be changing?” Eir asked.

“I don't know,” you replied. “I was just checking. I didn't want to walk in on you.”

“Walk in on me what? Did you think you were going to find Thor in here with me?”

You turned red. “No, I just wanted to- nevermind. It's really not important at all. Anyways, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Just you.”

“What about me?” You sat down onto the bed.

“Well, since there aren't many pregnancies on Asgard, I've been practically ordered to watch over you and keep an eye on both your and the baby's health and state of development. Plus you are a slightly special case. Loki may look perfectly Asgardian, but as I'm sure you know, he's actually a Jotun, a frost giant. We aren't quite sure how exactly a half-human, half-Jotun child is going to turn out, but we, especially me, want to make sure you and the baby get through the pregnancy and birth okay.”

“Oh, that makes sense. So I guess that means I'll be seeing a lot of you then?”

Eir nodded. “Yup, there will be no way to escape me now,” she joked, chuckling.

You laughed. “I suppose not. Oh well, it's not like I mind. Thor might though. You giving me all of your attention and none to him.” You placed the back of your hand on your forehead and pretended to look distressed.

Eir started giggling You opened your eyes and looked at her. “Besides, what's the poor God of Thunder to do if he can't use his hammer on you?” Eir looked confused. “ bed...” you finished.

Immediately Eir's eyes went wide and she covered her mouth with her hand, both laughing crazily and at the same time flushing.

“Mjö” Eir managed to get out before she started giggling manically again.

Eir closed her eyes, still laughing, backing up unintentionally and lost her balance. She fell onto the floor, thankfully not hitting anything as she went down.

“Are you okay?” You asked, concerned about your friend.

Eir looked up at you, a little surprised, and then she started laughing again. You rolled your eyes at her.

“I can't believe you said that...” Eir sighed.

“Well, it's true isn't it?

Eir shrugged. She rolled over to get up off of the floor but suddenly stopped.

“What's that?” she wondered aloud, reaching under your dresser

“What's what?”

Eir pulled her arm out. “Guess what I just found under here?”

“What?” You asked, clueless as to what she could've found. You hadn't been living with Loki for very long yet.

“Well, it has to do with something you lost recently.” Eir grinned, holding up your ring.

“You found it!” You shouted, climbing down from the bed and pulling Eir up off of the floor so you could hug her tightly. “Thank you!”

“It's no problem,” Eir replied, dropping the gold and greed ring into your hand. “Besides, I wouldn't have been on the floor if you hadn't made that...interesting...comment about Thor.”

You smiled evilly. “It's my job. But really, thank you so much for finding this.” You gave Eir another hug. “I need to go tell Loki. Meet me for dinner tonight though, see you later~!”

“Okay, bye!” Eir called as you practically ran out the door.


@eenchilada98 yes, I went there.

To anyone who doesn't get the thing about the title, it's a joke from a musical(?) called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I highly recommend it, if you're interested. It's super funny and very catchy.

And, sadly, I do have to tell you that I won't be here next week. Yeah...I know, sorry I just got back and now I'm leaving again, but I'll be in Disneyland, so...

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