Part Seven: Dinner

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Dinner with Eir was wonderful. You both ate more than you probably should have and then had a delicious dessert afterwords.

“So after I told him, he just burst out laughing. And I'm not even joking when I say he literally gagged on his laughter,” you recounted, taking a sip of the drink you had just ordered.

“That's hilarious!” Eir snorted. “But it is his brother, so it makes sense. Plus it was a fantastic joke to begin with.”

“Yeah... Mjölnir...” you sighed, chuckling. “Oh, and Loki even said that he'd try to get along with you. Sort of.”

Eir smiled, shaking her head. “I know he won't be able to, he doesn't like me.”

“Why is that anyways? He's always very guarded and cold around you and he's not really like with anyone else, not even Odin who obviously favors Thor.”

Eir sighed. “I think it's partly because of my past relationship with Thor, though apparently not my current one. But mainly it's because I'm pretty much the only one who knows his secret. And because at the time, I judged him very harshly for what he did.”


Eir took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I probably ought to tell you. I know I promised Loki I would spare you from this, but you have a right to know.” Eir looked you dead in the eyes and breathed in. She made a face and shook her head. “ I can't. I can't be the one to tell you, I just can't.” She sighed. “I'm sorry, but if you want to know, you'll have to ask Loki, I can't bear to be the one to say it.”

“Okay,” you said quietly. “Can you at least tell me why Loki would be upset with you because of your relationship with Thor?”

Eir nodded. “As long as you can keep it quiet, which I trust you to. Because right now barely anyone knows."

“I promise I won't tell a soul.”

“Good,” Eir said, smiling. “It's because of the bad falling out Thor and I had. I know when I told you this before it kind of sounded like just a one night stand, but it was so much more complicated. Honestly looking back, I would have preferred it just be a one time thing, it would have made it easier on both of us. Anyways, we were actually together for about two weeks and in the beginning, I was attached, but Thor was only interested in the more sensual side. However, he ended up falling in love, but I had already moved on, since Thor had told me from the start he wasn't interested in a “relationship”. He confessed to me on the day I brought the other guy over to meet him. It was bad and caused a huge fight between the two guys and subsequently ended both of my relationships.”

“Wow, that's...awful. I am really sorry you had to endure that. I can't even imagine going through anything like that.”

“Well, it at least ended well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Thor and I are happy together now aren't we? And I definitely think we've both grown up a lot.”

You smiled. “ I guess so. I hope Loki and I have a happy ending too. Although in a way we already have.”

“Oh, before I forget, on a completely different topic, I think I want to do at least one check-up each month, for the baby, and maybe two during the later months.”

“That sounds good,” you said, “but what made you think of that?”

“Nothing,” Eir said quickly, shaking her head.


“Ignore it,” Eir said. “Anyways, I expect to see you in the Healing Hall pretty soon for your first official checkup.”

“Of course,” you said. You yawned. “Why am I so tired?” you asked rhetorically.

“Because you're pregnant dear,” Eir replied. “Which probably means I should let you go so you can get some sleep.”

You yawned again. “Probably. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” Eir replied, smiling at you as you got up and walked towards the door. “See you later.”

“Yup,” you said, waving.

You walked back to your quarters, feeling exhausted. Besides the occasional feeling of nausea, you could hardly tell you were pregnant and already you were more tired than you had ever been in your life. It was awful. And if this was the beginning, you did not want to experience what was to come.

“Hello dear,” Loki said as you slowly opened the door.

“Oh, you're still up?”

“Yes,” Loki replied, smiling at you and getting up off of the bed. “I waited up for you.”

“It's been hours, you didn't have to.”

“Oh, but I did. I needed to make sure that you got home safely.”

“It's just the palace, it's not like I'm going to get lost after living here all my life.” Loki opened his mouth to object, but you cut him off. “And I'm not suddenly an invalid because I'm pregnant, so don't treat me like it.”

“That was not my intention, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. It was getting really late and I was starting to worry.”

“Oh,” you said, suddenly feeling bad about snapping at Loki. “Sorry, I just thought-”

“I know. Perhaps I should have phrased my words better. Though you can be clumsy, I know you are perfectly capable of taking care of you and our child.” Loki held his hand out to you. “Come, let us rest, you look tired.”

“I am,” you admitted. “Let me go get changed and ready, and I'll be back in a moment.”


You were so tired, you didn't even brush your teeth, figuring you'd probably have to do it in the morning anyways, depending on how sick you felt when you woke up. You came back into the bedroom and found Loki already asleep and snoring. You smiled at him and covered him the blanket before crawling into bed next to him.


Okay, raise your hand if you yawned when _______ yawned. I did, about hundred times. Yawns are highly contagious. And I'm also yawning as I write this... Damn.

So, does it feel like I'm completely dragging you guys along yet (with Loki's secret)? Or maybe I'm just dangling it just out of reach? Either way I suppose I'm evil.

Anyways, enjoy and see you not next Sunday (because it's Easter), but the Sunday after that!

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