Part Three: Revelation

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The following morning, you practically jumped out of bed and cheered when you awoke feeling like throwing up. It was weird to think, but it meant that Loki wasn't guilty, he wasn't poisoning you. But, it also meant that you were sick with something that Eir couldn't detect.

Hoisting you self out of bed slowly so you didn't actually throw-up, you threw on your robe and silently left the room to go visit Eir. It was still early, so you didn't know if the goddess would be awake yet, but you weren't sure what else to do, so you knocked quietly on the door to her quarters. Almost immediately after you knuckles hit the door it opened, revealing a tired-looking Eir.

“Eir? What happened to you?”

“I couldn't sleep especially well last night,” Eir admitted. “I was too worried. I've been up for awhile, waiting for you. “Eir looked directly up at you. “So?”

“Still nauseous,” you said.

“Really?!” Eir asked, almost excited. She beamed.

“You don't have to sound ecstatic about it,” you said, although you couldn't keep a smile off your face any more than Eir could.

“This is great!” Eir exclaimed, hugging you tightly.

“Yeah.....” you agreed. “But if it isn't Loki, why am I sick?”

Eir's arms dropped and she stepped back, looking at you thoughtfully. She looked you up and down and then asked: “Tell me everything. Even little things like a random headache or a bad itch. Anything that is even a little bit off.”

“Well, I have had a couple of headaches recently. And I've been more tired than usual. I've also gained just a little bit a weight, a couple pounds. Oh, and I'm not sure if this matters, but the yesterday I had hot chocolate and it tasted awful, but it usually tastes wonderful.”

Eir counted off your symptoms on her fingers, staring off into the distance and thinking. Her expression suddenly changed, like she had just though of something. She gently reached out on placed her hand on your stomach, this time moving down a little bit.

Her face brightened and she jumped back and squealed excitedly.

“What is it?” you asked.

“You don't know?” Eir said, looking amused.

“No...” you admitted.

“If you had told me all of these symptoms yesterday, I could've figured this out then and we could have avoided this whole ordeal.”

“Figure what out?”

“You really don't know?”

“No!” you replied. “But I'd kind of like to, considering.”

“I'll tell you a secret then,” Eir said, getting close to you. She whispered in you ear: “You're pregnant.”

You jumped excitedly, accidentally hitting the side of Eir's face with your hand.

'I'm so sorry!!” you apologized, coming over to her. “Are you okay?”

Eir looked at you and let out a little laugh. “I'm fine,” she said, bringing her hand up to her cheek and slowly sliding it against her cheek. “There are benefits to being the Goddess of Healing.” When Eir removed her hand, any injury or redness was completely gone.

“I'm glad you're alright. And I can't believe I'm pregnant!!” you said ecstatically, going back to the last subject.

“I know!” Eir agreed. “It's so exciting! Congratulations, by the way!”

“Thanks!” you replied, laughing happily. This was amazing! You had to tell Loki! Nerves suddenly overcame you at the thought of telling Loki. What if he isn't as happy? What if he doesn't want a child? What if he hated the idea of it? What if he wanted a divorce? Your head spun with the questions and doubts.

“Calm down,” Eir said, noticing you were starting to panic.

“But what if he-”

“__________, I promise Loki will be every bit as excited about this child as you are and he will love the baby when it's born. Okay?”

You took a deep breath and then nodded. “Okay.”

“Do you want me to come with you to tell him?”

You shook your head. “No, I can do it. Besides, he doesn't really like you all that much.”

Eir laughed. “I had noticed,” she said amusedly.

You took another deep breath. “I'm going to do it.” You exhaled. “Well, maybe I could just tell him later. You know, when it starts being more noticeable.”

Eir gave you a stern look. “___________?”

Yeah okay I'll do it now,” you said, breaking to Eir's will.

“I'll walk you there,” Eir said. “But don't worry, I won't come in.”

You sighed. “Alright.”

Eir walked with you down the halls, probably partly to make you sure you didn't chicken out and run away, but also partly to support you. She knew this was hard for you. Especially since this was a bit unexpected. It was certainly an unplanned change in your lives. When the two of you got to the door, Eir waved goodbye and started sauntering the opposite direction. You took one last deep breath an placed your hand on the doorknob. Closing your eyes, you slowly opened the door and said: “Loki, I have something important to tell you.”


Eir's not stupid! She's just oblivious! *cries indefinitely into the sunset*

Sorry, that was for all the people *coughKaorucough* who said Eir was dumb. She really isn't, just a little oblivious. And not expecting you to be pregnant...

Anyways, I'm going to go have a mental breakdown over stuff, so yeah, see you next Sunday~!

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