Part Eight: First Check-Up

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~One Week Later~

You stood outside the medical hall nervously. It was time for your first check-up and you had no idea what to expect. But, you trusted Eir, so you knew it'd be okay.

“_________?” Eir asked, peeking around the corner. She smiled widely when she saw you. “You're here! I've been checking for you for the half hour, I was starting to worry.”

“Sorry, I slept in.”

“It's not a problem. Come in, your room is ready so let's get started.”

You followed Eir inside and she had you take off your shoes and set them beside the door.

“Alright,” Eir said, spinning around. “I'm going to check your weight first, just to make sure you aren't gaining or loosing weight to drastically. There shouldn't be too much of a change in these early months, so that's something we really want to monitor.”


Eir nodded. “Sometimes in the first couple of months, people actually loose weight because of the nausea and morning sickness.”

“Okay,” you said, seeing how that could make sense.

Eir directed you towards the scale. You carefully stepped onto it, lifting up your skirt a couple inches to make sure your feet were evenly on the scale.

“Accounting for the weight of your clothing, you've gained about a quarter of a pound,” Eir told you, reading the top of the scale.

“Alright,” you said, starting to step down.

“Wait!” Eir said, gently placing her hands on your back.


“I'm going to check your vitals too,” she explained.

“On the scale?”

Eir nodded. She pressed the palm of her hand against the side of the pole on the scale. You were instantly surrounded by a kind of glittering orange-gold mist.

“Heartbeat's normal,” Eir called out as the mist swirled around you. “So is everything else,” she said, placing her hand on the pole again. The “mist” stopped.

After you didn't move for a moment, Eir tapped your shoulder and said, “You can get off now.”

“Oh, right,” you said, getting off of the contraption.

“You know,” Eir started, making conversation, “We don't have very many pregnancies on Asgard.”

“How come?” you asked.

Eir shrugged. “I'm not really sure, actually. I think it might be partly because of our long life-span.”

“Maybe,” you said.

“Anyways,” Eir said, “This way, it's a lot more exciting when someone does get pregnant. Although there can definitely be downsides to it too,” Eir added, almost as a side-note. Her smile faded and her eyes glazed over like she was lost in a memory.

“What do you mean? Besides the obvious physical toll,” you said, wishing the last part was only a joke.

Eir shook her head and the bright smile returned to her face. “It's nothing,” she told you. “Shall we continue? I'm sure you probably have better things to do than be here all day.”

“I guess,” you sighed. You were starting to get little tired of being left out of.....whatever this was about.

“Great,” Eir responded. “I'm going to check on the child now.”

“How?” you asked.

“Like this,” Eir said. She bent down and gently placed her hand on your stomach and closed her eyes, concentrating. She splayed out her thin fingers, slowly moving her hand around your abdomen. It tickled a little bit and you giggled. Eir stopped moving and smiled, resting her hand on your lower-left abdomen for a moment before removing it.

“Well,” Eir said, standing up, “Your baby is very healthy so far, although there isn't much to check this early. But its heart is beating at a steady pace.”

“Already?” you asked, surprised that the baby's heart would be beating this early.

“Yup,” Eir replied, smiling. “The heart starts beating during the first month, it's the first part of the child to start working.”

“That's incredible!” you exclaimed, placing your hands on top of your stomach, as if you would be able to feel the heartbeat. You couldn't, but you hadn't really expected to.

“It is, isn't it?” Eir agreed. “Well, although I'll probably be seeing you before then, I will officially see you again next month.”

“See you then!” You replied, smiling. You waved goodbye to her as you left the Healing Hall.


So, I've been gone a while.... 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and since I am a little late with this update, there will be a second one.

See you soon!

Ours (Sequel to Mine)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ