Part Sixteen: Does That Make Aldaen My Step-Son?

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"Come on!" Lecessa said excitedly, turning towards you and Eir again as the queen re-occupied her seat. "You must see the market! It's hidden behind the waterfall! Oh! And I want you to meet Aldaen while you are here. He deserves to meet that aunt that his mother always speaks of." Lecessa grinned at Eir and Eir turned slightly pink, but smiled back.

"Actually, there's something I think I should talk to you about," you said nervously.

"Do not be ridiculous!" Lecessa said. "There will be plenty of time for conversing later. Now, you must meet Aldaen!"

Lecessa grabbed both your and Eir's hand and led you away from the majestic tree, practically dragging you through the City of Light on the way to her home. You were only able to catch glimpses of things as Lecessa led you, but you noted that, up close, the beautiful gold-trimmed buildings were even more intricate than they had appeared from the bridge. Each of them had thin, stand-like gold that fell from the roof and curved back onto the building in a way that you had thought only spiderwebs could.

In what was likely only a few minutes, despite the new visuals of the city spinning in your head and making it seem longer, you arrived at Lecessa's home. It looked remarkably like the other buildings in Alfheim, with the same flowing gilding running down the sides and sleek marble walls, though Lecessa's house had wild-growing plants planted around the entire building and instead of the lights being placed in the windowsills, they were balanced precariously on the eaves of the roof.

"Aldaen!" Lecessa called, swinging the door of her home wide open.

What is it mother?" A deep voice replied from another room.

"I have brought guests home, come and meet them!"

"Again, mother?" Aldaen called out.

"Come out!" Lecessa yelled cheerfully. "You will never guess who I have brought this time!"

"Unless it's Queen Mirina herself, I will not be surprised," Aldaen responded.

"Do not be so difficult," Lecessa pleaded. "I would hope you would be happier to be meeting your Aunt Eir for the first time."

There was nothing but silence for a long moment, then Aldaen appeared in one of the doorways in the room.

Your jaw practically dropped to the floor when you saw him. He looked remarkably like Loki. He had the same piercing green eyes, and the same glossy black hair, although it was obvious that his had never been cut as it hung loosely around his hips. Even just the look of his face was similar. If you hadn't known better, you might have mistaken his for Loki's long-lost brother.

"Aunt Eir?" Aldaen asked, looking down at Eir with bright eyes.

"Hi, Aldaen," Eir replied, smiling upon seeing her nephew for the first time.

Aldaen looked over at you. "Who is-?"

"One of Eir's friends from Asgard," Lecessa answered. "Miss __________."

Aldaen beamed. "It is nice to meet you," he said very genuinely. He had obviously inherited his mother's cheerful demeanor.

"You too," you replied, smiling back even though you were still shaken by the fact he looked so much like Loki.

"So, how have you been all these years?" Eir asked Aldaen.

"It has been nice," Aldaen answered, smiling. "I have been very busy with my magic, and also with our shop in the market."

"You do magic?" You asked.

"Yes," Aldaen replied. "It is mostly small feats, like conjuration of items, but every once in a while I can do something big, like create snow and ice." Aldaen smiled proudly. "My mother thinks I inherited it from my father, as it is uncommon to find pure-blooded Alfheimr who can practice any magic other than healing anymore."

"That's great..." you responded, partially actually impressed with Aldaen's powers and partially checking off another way Aldaen was just like his father.

"It is!" Aldaen agreed, obviously not picking up on the uncertain tone in your voice.

"Impressive," Eir put in.

"If you think that is grand, you should see our shop!" Aldaen announced. He turned quickly towards Lecessa. "Mother, we must take them!"

Lecessa smiled. "It is a good idea," she agreed. "After all, they will need to know things like this while they are staying here."

"Actually," Eir spoke up nervously. "We aren't going to be staying that long. It's too dangerous for someone who is far in pregnancy to travel the Bifrost. Especially someone from Midgard."

"What?" Lecessa said, looking extremely disappointed.

"I'm sorry," Eir replied. "But if we stay for too long, __________ will not be able to return to Asgard to have her child and L- her husband won't be able to be there with her."

"I understand," Lecessa said, still looking sad. She looked up hopefully at Eir. "But still come to see the market before you leave?"

Eir gave a small smile. "Sure."

"Actually..." this time it was you who spoke up anxiously.

Eir shot you worried look, knowing what you were going to say next.

"Lecessa, Aldaen," you looked down nervously, "there's something I really need to tell you. You deserve to know."


Suddenly! A random update appears!

Don't ask me why, but for some reason I just got the writing bug and wanted to continue, so here we have an update. Soon to be followed by another update.

So yeah, after three months of radio silence, here's the next chapter!

I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time!

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