Part Six: Catch Me If You Can

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You sighed. Where would Loki be this time of day? You asked yourself. After giving it a moment of thought, you decided where to look first and grabbed a coat, heading for the stairs leading up to the roof at the top of the palace.

Climbing all of the multiple sets of stairs, you wondered why the Asgardians who built the palace had bothered to make them all out of gold, considering it seemed very obscure and secret, and more like a maintenance hall or passageway as opposed to something more like a balcony or lookout. You shrugged to yourself and decided it was simply because you were in Asgard, the gilded city.

When you had finally reached the top of the spiral staircase, you slowly opened up the small, steel door and stepped out, closing it quietly behind you. Immediately you were greeted by the more-than-familiar back of your lover who was leaning lightly on the golden railing.

“I thought I might find you up here,” you said softly, approaching Loki.

He turned around and smiled at you, his piercing green eyes shimmering in the sunlight. “Ah, then I suppose you know even more about me than I thought. I come here to think sometimes. It's very peaceful and my mind cannot possibly be clouded by Thor's stupidity all the way up here.”

“Well, what were you thinking about?” you inquired.

“You, us, our child-to-be. And of course all of the fun we had up here,” Loki grinned. “Perhaps you like to go for round two?”

You gave him a look. “Maybe some other time. I'm not really in the mood for freezing again.”

“Well, if you ever do desire the cold, I am certain that I could do something for you.” Loki's smile changed to a seductive one and he moved his now-blue fingers, creating an icy mist. “Or, if you want the whole package...” Loki's skin slowly faded to blue, his eyes turning a deep blood-red. “I'm sure my Jotun form could satisfy any deep, dark desires you have hidden within you.”

“Oh, speaking of Jotuns,” you said, suddenly changing subject, “Eir is going to be keeping a close eye on me since our baby is half-human and half-Jotun and she doesn't know exactly what effects that's going to have on me and the child. So, I would recommend getting used to having her around.”

“Oh,” Loki said simply, his skin changing back to its familiar, pale color.

“Oh?” you repeated, encouraging Loki to continue.

He shook his head, “Just oh.” He turned away from you. “Anyways, she's probably already told you, so it probably doesn't matter.”

“Told me what exactly?”

Loki sighed. “Told you that I broke-” He stopped himself. “Wait, you don't know?”

“I don't have any idea what you're even talking about!” You nearly shouted.

“Oh. Nevermind then,” Loki said calmly. “Forget I ever said anything.”

“Well that's not exactly easy to do,” you replied quietly. You sighed deeply. “But, I trust you, so I will try. Besides, like I said before. Your past is your past and none of my nor anybody else's business.”

Loki gave you a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Of course. And, if you ever want to tell me, I'm always here to listen and I promise I will try my very hardest not to judge you or get angry, if it's something that would upset me.”

Loki avoided your eyes for a moment, giving you an answer. “Perhaps someday.”

“I understand. Well,” you looked at Loki. “Shall we go back downstairs?”

“I suppose so.”

You reached for the door handle, the emerald on your ring glinting in the sunlight and catching your attention.

“Oh!” you gasped. “I entirely forgot! This was the reason I was looking for you!” you announced, thrusting your hand into Loki's face.

His eyes widened when he saw the golden ring sitting upon your finger. “Where did you find it?” he asked.

“Under the dresser next to our bed. And, actually, Eir found it,” you said, smiling victoriously at Loki.

He made a face, but quickly went back to smiling widely. Then his expression changed to confusion. “Why was Eir looking under our dresser?”

You grinned thinking of the answer to that particular question. “Uh...well... I said something hilarious and she laughed so hard she accidentally fell down.”

“What did you say?” Loki asked.

“I...I might have suggested that Mjölnir was Thor's other hammer.”

Loki got the joke almost immediately and tried not to gag on his laughter.

“Yeah, she thought it was that funny too and while she was on the floor, she spotted the ring.”

Loki sighed, getting out the last few chuckles. “Dear gods, I will never be able to look at Thor without thinking of that now.”

“I know,” you agreed.

Loki grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. “Now shall we go downstairs? It's nearly time for supper.”

“Oh, actually I told Eir I would have dinner with her tonight. Sorry. But we eat together almost everyday, so I thought tonight I'd eat with her and we could catch up and have a very nice uninterrupted conversation.”

“You do not have to give me excuses,” Loki told you. “Although I do not get along with her, you're free to spend time Eir whenever you feel you wish to. I am not your master, though I do enjoy it when you kneel before me....”

You rolled your eyes at Loki, but smiled and nodded. “I just didn't want you to be upset. But I guess that doesn't really matter. I should probably accept the fact that sometimes we're going to do things that the other can't stand. And you may be a god, but this is no fairy tale, and you're certainly no prince.”

“True,” Loki agreed. “Hey...” he said, the realization that you just insulted him sinking in. He stuck his tongue out at you. “I'll get you for that!”

You giggled and ran down the stairs. “Catch me if you can~”

Loki chased you all the way down to the bottom of the staircase and by then, you were both panting moderately. You smiled at your husband. “You never got me,” you teased.

“I could've if I was really trying to,” Loki assured you.

“Oh really?” you challenged. “We'll have to see about that sometime. But not now, I need to go meet Eir.” You gave Loki a quick kiss on the cheek, “I'll see you later,” you called back, skipping and dancing down the massive hallway, every footstep echoing endlessly.


Let's play the game how many sexual innuendos/jokes/references can I stick into one chapter! In this particular chapter, there are 5-6 things that can be taken that way. And, after a book and five chapters, I finally made the kneeling joke. Be proud of me.

Anyways, on a more serious note, it's here! And as far as I know, updating will become more regular now, so that's good. Although I know for a fact that I won't be updating on Easter.

Alrighty I guess that's it, see you next Sunday~

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