Part Four: Spill

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“Loki, I have something important to tell you.”

"What is it?"  Loki asked, turning around to face you. You fidgeted under his long gaze. Loki looked at you quizzically, “Is something the matter?”

“Uh....well, I hope not. I mean I- well, I hope it's not a problem.”

“You hope what is not a problem?”

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Breathing out, you opened your eyes again, looking directly into Loki's shimmering green ones.

“Loki, I'm pregnant,” you said, the words slipping out of your mouth unprovoked. Your hands shot up to your mouth as you realized you had spoke, you covered it momentarily, then forced your arms back down to your sides. You watched, in what seemed like slow motion, Loki's expression changed from confusion, to shock, and finally to joy.

“You are?” Loki spoke, rushing over to you and embracing you tightly.

“Yes,” you replied simply.

“How did you find out?” Loki asked, backing up to look at you.

You suppressed a laugh, thinking how ridiculous that process had been. “It's.... well it's a long story.”

“We have time,” Loki said, shrugging.

“Maybe later,” you countered. Or maybe never... you thought, it would be awful to try and explain that one. And even worse, it would probably make Loki even more adverse to Eir, considering she's the one who thought Loki could've been poisoning you.

“Is that why you didn't want to eat anything yesterday?” Loki asked you. “Were you feeling sick because of this?” Loki made an offhand gesture towards your stomach.

Fighting the urge to add an 'uh...' to the beginning of your sentence, you replied, “Yeah.”

Loki seemed to accept your answer as the truth, because he smiled and said, “That makes sense.”

“Yeah, it does,” you agreed with Loki. He gave you a quizzical look, but you shook your head, signaling to disregard it and he obeyed.

“So, __________, who are you going to tell first, besides me and Loki of course?” Eir asked.

“Probably Frigga,” you replied. You really didn't want to tell Thor, despite your relationship being long behind you, and you and Odin weren't especially close.

“Well,” Loki started. “If you are feeling hungrier today, we could probably go eat breakfast with mother, and you could tell her then.”

“Right, we could do that,” you said, neglecting to tell Loki that you had spent breakfast with her yesterday. Oh well, you thought. It wasn't like it was unpleasant being around Frigga, in fact, you liked her quite a lot.

“Let's go then!” Eir said.

Led by Eir, you and Loki marched to the large dinning room. On the way, Loki leaned in close to you and placed a kiss on your cheek. He was about to say something, when a familiar voice yelled, “Eir!”

Eir spun around at the mention of her name. “Thor.”

“Good morning,” Thor said, turning to you and Loki. “How are you?”

“Very well,” Loki replied. “In fact-” You elbowed him gently, letting him you didn't want Thor to know just yet.

“We're doing wonderfully,” you told Thor.

“Eir and I are doing excellently as well.” Thor slid over to Eir and put his arm around her blue-clad shoulders to which she replied with a glare and a less-than-subtle hit to the arm.

Ours (Sequel to Mine)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن