Chapter 1: Intro

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    I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm moving to Georgia. I had dreamed of this for so long. Getting out of my stupid home town in Michigan. I was counting down the days. I can imagine myself meeting some amazing new people. Im so sick of all the people here, i need something new and fresh.

    I'm nervous. I'm gonna be all by myself. I have always been a more independent kinda girl, but this gives independent a whole new meaning.
I will literally now know a single person.  After loading all my crap in my truck - which I had way more than I ever thought- I started the drive. It took a lot of convincing for my parents not to drive me down. They are one of the main reasons I want to get away. They want to control my life. I need to breath. I need to find out who I am as a person without them there. Well, I guess now is going to be my chance.

    After what feels like forever I finally made it to Georgia. It is so different from where I'm from. I always though it would be cowboy hat and boots everywhere kinda thing, i guess i was wrong. I think I might just like it here. I found what I thought was the administration building, parked my truck and walked in. I went to the front desk and the nice lady helped me get all my registration forms in order. She gave me the key to my dorm, and the capus map. I drove to where my dorm was and started unpacking off of my stuff.

~Few hours later~

    I had a two person dorm. It wasn't that bad. it had a bathroom connecting to another room. So far I was the only person here.

    I was sitting at my desk going through all my stuff making sure I was ready for classes to start the week after next. They have a whole week that they call initiation. It seems pretty cool. Hopefully it will give me a chance to meet some new people. I heard a bang on the door. I got up and opened it. A brown haired girl standing there with arms full of bags.

"Hey I'm Katie! You must be Erin"

"Yeah it's nice to meet you." I reached out to take some of the bags from her hand.

    Dang. She was insanely in shape. I'm not exactly fat but I got some curves. I'm a proud size 8. I used to be fat, in high school I lost a ton of weight. I still get supper insecure about my body. It seems like all the girls are size 2. It sucks, but I rock what I got.

"So Erin, where are you from? You don't have an accent so I assume your from somewhere up north?"

I laughed at that.

"Yeah, I'm from Michigan. How about you?"

"Born and raised in this town. I went to Michigan once. It is so pretty with all the lakes."

"Yeah, that's just about the only good thing about Michigan. It's one of the I hated living there but I would defend it to anyone who said something about it."

"Hahah yeah I totaly understand. It's kinda the same with small towns. Nothing much to do but it's apart of who you are."

    I just nodded and smiled at her. she seems really nice. She's chill and cool to talk with.

"You wanna go grab some dinner? I know this really good pub that doesn't ID anyone."

    Thank god she drinks. I dont have anything against people who dont drink if their underage, but the ones that make a big deal about it piss me off.

"Yeah I'm down"

    I changed into some while shorts and a purple tank top with silver detail on it and my sandals. Once we were both ready we walked out of our dorm.

"It's in walking distance from here."


    We walked into the pub and there was a decent amount of people, but not too many. We found two seats at the bar and took them. We had been there like two minutes and Katie already had guys coming up to her. I could tell she was getting annoyes, but she politely turned them down.

"Someone's popular" I joked as she turned back to me.

"Yeah sorry. But you did not notice the guys that completly checked you out when we walked in. Those guys try me every time they see me. But you, your new here. Everyone's looking"

    I looked around. There were a few guys I made eye contact with. This had never happened to me. I always had the supper hot friends, and compared to them i was litetrally a potato.

"and honey don't think I didn't see your ass." She said trying to check it out. I laughed and tried to cover my butt.

"Oh my god stop." I said laughing.

"We're gonna have to get that ass on the dance floor and see what kinda shaking that thing can do."

    This girl is crazy. But I think I'm gonna like being friends with her.


After sitting at the bar and eating some food, we both had a few drinks and we're feeling good. We decided to get up and start dancing. The dj was playing all the right songs and we were having an amazing time. She ran into a few of her friends and introduced me to them. They are really nice. We all started dancing and talking. Around midnight everyone was talking about this field party that was being thrown by some of the upper class man. (IDK IF THIS IS HOW IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS DOWN SOUTH. UP NORTH WE PARTY DIFFERENT LOL) We all decided to head out.
Once we got to the field, there were already so many people. Most of the college had to of been there already. People had there trucks all backed up around a huge bonfire. I followed the girls to a table that had every drink imaginable. Stacy, one of the girls handed everyone a shot glass.

"To the start of initiation week begining, and spending the next week drunk off our ass, and who knows, hooking up with a cute guy" We all laughed and threw back the shot.

"Straight whisky. real classy Stacy." Laure said after she downed the shot.

"Hey, I don't have time to drink frilly drinks. Now, who's gonna Dance with me over there next to that group of guys?"

Two girls went with Stacy. It was now just me Katie, Lauren and Shawna. We all got a cup of whatever Lauren made.

"I don't go as strong as Stacy, but it's still sure as hell good."

She was right. It was delicious. Fruity but not wimpy.

We slowly made our way to where the music was playing and started dancing. It had been a good hour and we had been dancing the whole time and drinking. Most of us were far gone. There had been this guy watching me. He was pretty cute too. We hadnt actually talked but we had made eye contact many times.
I had gotten up in the back of someone's truck and was dancing. I was just enjoying myself when I heard a deep voice next to me.

"I see you like my truck?"

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