Chapter 3: You're the Guy

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I went over to help the girl pick up her stuff. She stood up and put everything away before looking at me. She looked up at me and I realized it was Erin. I could see the confusion on her face.

"It's nice to see you again." I said with a smirk.

Her face got even more scrunched up. She opened her mouth to say something then closed it.

"I'm Luke. We met at the party. You were in the back of my truck..."

Her eyes opened wide then her cheeks turned red and she turned away.

"Listen that's not something I usually do. I'm sorry." She said and started to walk away.

"What if I liked you doing it?"

She turned back to me. She just stared at me for a couple seconds then walked back next to me.

"I don't really remember what happened. My roomate filled me in." She said looking down.

"Haha yeah I figured. You said you wanted me to help you dance because you were drunk." I said laughing.

"Good lord." She just laughed.

"But for the record I didn't mind helping you dance. And I wouldn't mind doing it again."

"I hear your quite the guy around here. Every girl wants you."

"That doesn't mean I want every girl. How about you came sit with me and eat, and we can talk?" I asked pointing to my table.

"Yeah, sure. Why not."

I smiled at her and walked to the table.


I walked over to where Luke had all of his stuff and sat down.

"So where are you from?" He asked as he was eating his food.

"Michigan. I just moved down here for school."

"What are you majoring in?"

"I'm not really sure. I like interior designe, but I'm also interested in music."

"Really? I hope to be a country singer one day?" He said.

When he said that he perked up. I could tell he was passionate about music. He just got this sparkle in his eye. Good lord.

"Wow. That's ambitious."

"It's been my dream since high school. I taught myself to play guitar and I started writing."

"That's cool. I play too. I wrote a little but never anything to make and actual song."

"It's not exactly easy. I only write when I'm feeling strong about something."

"I can tell you love music."

He just smiled and continued eating. We talked about our lives amd other random stuff. It had been almost a half hour when I looked at my phone.

"I should probably get going. I had a nice time." I said and stood up.

"Yeah me too. Hey I'm playing a gig this friday. You should come by and see if I'm any good."

"Yeah maybe." I smiled at him and started walking to my room.

He really is a cool guy to talk too. I can see why all the girls want him.


I don't know what I feel for Erin but she's different from everyone. She is so chill and interesting to talk with. I really hope she comes to the party.

My house is throwing it's first official party of the year. I'm gonna be singing for some of the night with my friend Michael. Ever since we started going to GS we had always done music for the parties. The only down part is the crazy girls. Don't get me wrong I love girls. a lot. but they just get annoying.

After I finished eating I got all of my stuff and walked back to the house. All the guys were busy setting up for friday. All I could think about was if Erin would come or not. I sure as hell hope she does.


This week was going by so fast. Most of my classes were pretty easy. I became easy friends with some people in the classes. I was really starting to love being in Georgia.

I hadn't seen Luke since monday. Our class that we had together only met once a week. I was still deciding if I was going to the party that his house was throwing. Most of my friends were going. Some of the older girls said that house throws the best parties. They have spent the last few days trying to convince me to go.

I was still embarrassed about what happened in the back of Luke's truck. I had never done something like that with a guy. All through high school I had never had a serious boyfriend. Yeah, I had flings here and there, the guys always screwed me over. I just kinda stoped trying with guys. It wasn't worth it. I hadn't really had a thing with a guy in so long. I didn't know how to flirt with guys. And I sure as hell wasn't used to guys flirting with me. If that's what Luke was even doing. Was he flirting with me? Was I making that night bigger than it was? This is confusing. Maybe this was why guys screwed me over. I sucked at being in relationships. Whatever, it's not like anything is going to happen with Luke. I'm enjoying being down here just hanging out with the girls. And he can have any girl he wants. All the girls sure do want him. I'm nothing special to him.


All my friends had convinced me to go to the party. I guess it will be fun with everybody there. We were all getting ready. I had decided to wear some white shorts and a dark grey crop top woth sits cut in the back. I did light makeup and curled my hair in loose waves.

Once we were all ready we all left and started walking to the house where the party was.


We had been getting really all day for the party. The first had to be awesome. I was on the kitchen setting up coolers and filling them with beer amd ice. Michael was putting the hard alcohol on the counter, and putting red solos next to them. We had a huge keg in the living room. We had moved all of the couches and tables into the basement. We have a platform set up where me and Michael play. A few years ago we also installed a serious system and got mics and amps to hook up.

The party started in about 20 minutes. Me and Michael were figuring out what songs we were gonna play. We usually play until we get tired and then we just put on the sterio. I went up stairs to change into what I was going to wear for the night. I put on some jeans, and shirt and my boots. I washed up and made sure my hair looked right. By the time I got down stairs people were already starting to show up.

I found Michael and told him that we were gonna start playing soon. We got set up and walked to where the platform was. We into diced our self and welcomed everyone e to yhe party and just started playing.

We hadnt been playing 25 minutes and there ready a bunch of girls right in front of us. But what else is new. I looked at all of them unroll my eyes landed on Sophia. She was a freshman this year. I was friends with her older brother who is a senior. She has been hopelessly flirting with me for years now. I try my best to ignore her and not be rude, but is she ever going to get a clue that j have no interest in her.


When we walked into the house there were already so many people there. I guess everbody was right, this was the place to be. We all walked into the kitchen and grabbed somwthing to drink. We went back into the living room where Luke and some guy were playing on and little platform.

Luke was really good. I didn't think he would suck or anything but I didn't expect him to be that good. I'd believe that would make it as a singer one day, and I have only heard him sing half a song.

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