Chapter 13: End of the Year

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I can't believe I'm almost done with my first year of college. I absolutely love living down here. All the amazing people I've met I know are going to be life long friends. And not to mention Luke.

Things with Luke have been amazing. We had a little but of a rough patch with Sophie trying to get in the middle if us, but we worked through it. He has been an amazing boyfriend. I am so lucky to have him.

His music has also really taken off.
He has been playing gigs at some of the bars in town. It's really fun going to them. Watching him play then just hanging out with everybody for the rest of the night. I'm so happy for him.

The sad part is he's not going to be with me next year for college. We have talked about it a little, but he doesn't really know what he's going to do.

He really wants to move out to Nashville to try and get his music carer going, but he also wants to stay here with his family. Luke lost his brother about two years ago. He doesn't want to leave his family alone to deal with it. Which I completly understand. He's a complete family guy. That made me fall in love with him even more.

Luke graduation was tomorrow night. His family was going to be there. This is going to be the first time I will have ever met them. I am nervous to meet them. I have never actually met a boyfriends parents.

I was in my room getting ready. Luke was taking me out to dinner. I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it.

"Hey babe." Luke said as he kissed me and walked into my room.

"Hey. I'm almost ready." I said as I put on some lipstick and gapped my purse.

"Ready." I said and walked to the door.

We walked to his truck and got in and started driving. We were going to this little diner we both love just outside of town.

We walked right in and got a table. Neither of us even looked at our menue, being that we got the same thing every time.

"So do you know what your gonna do once school ends?" I asked

"I honestly have no idea. I want to move to Nashville. I mean that's my dream. But I don't know if I can leave my family. They need me. And then there's us to consider. I mean what happens when I move?"

"Don't worry about us. If you move we will get through it. And have you tried talking to your family?" I asked.

"No. They will tell me too go, but then get mad because I'm gone all the time."

"What About staying for six months. Working, getting some more money saved up. Spend time with your family and see how their really doing."

"That's an idea." Luke said.

He just looked down. This has really been taking a toll on him. I kinda of think he's gonna end up staying. Knowing him, he would never just leave his family.

I reached over and grabbed on of his hands. He looked up and smiled at me.

"So how are your exams going." He asked changing the subject.

"Alright. I'm just stressed out. I'm ready for summer. Just relax and have fun."

"You wanna get away this weekend? Just leave and take a break from all the shit." He asked.

"I should probably stay here so I can study. How about next weekend. We will both be done with everything and we can fully relax."

"Alright. Let's do it."

Love Never Fails (Luke Bryan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora