Chapter 9: Erin's Story

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I never would of though that she would of gone though something like that. I guess that just proves that you never really know someone. I looked over at her and she was just staring at the water.

"Erin?" I asked.

She reached up and wiped a tear falling out of her eye.

"I have never talked about this to anyone. My two brothers just kind of knew so I never had to actually say anything. They always just knew something was wrong. Forming the words and saying them out loud is hard."

I moved closer and pulled her into my side.

"It's okay to talk about it."

"It all started when I was eight. It started off my just grabbing me when I did something wrong. Then it turned into pushing and hitting. It didn't help that he was drunk all the time. I never knew what kind of mood he was going to be in. Something that was okay yesterday isn't okay the next. Then things just go worse as i got older.

"Everyone who knew my dad loved him. They all thought that he was amazing person. No one would ever believe that he would hurt me."

"What happened when you got older?"

She just looked down and I could tell she had tears streaming down her face.

"He raped me."


That is the first time those words have ever come out of my mouth. I couldn't even control the sobs coming from my throat. Luke puled me into a tight hug.

"Erin, I am so sorry you had to go through that."

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"It's alright. You're allowed to be a mess sometimes."

"See what I meant when I told you I had a lot of shit going on? I'm a mess and I don't want to drag you into anything. I care about you too much."

"I care about you too. That's why I want to be here and help you."

"Thank you. It means a lot. No one has ever been there for me."

"You never told any of your friends?" He asked.

"No, I just tried not to think about it, and just got through high school until I could move away."

"So that is why you came down here?"

"Yeah, and I always wanted to live somewhere warm year round."

"Well miss Erin, I am happy that you chose little old Georgia to move to."

"Yeah me too. Thank you for listening. It's hard to get into the details about things."

"I understand. I'm here whenever you need to talk. No matter what time."

"Thank you Luke."

We were just looking each other in the eyes. We both started to lean in. Our lips finally touched. Man, i had missed the way his lips felt on mine. We both pulled back and smiled at each other. I leaned into his side and he put his arm around me.

"I missed that." Luke said and kissed my head.

"Me too."


"Yeah?" I asked looking up at him.

"Would you like o go on a date sometime with me?"

"I would love to." I said with a smile on my face.

We both leaned in and kissed again. I could get used to this.


We were just laying there on the dock watching the sunset. I had my arms wrapped around her and everything just felt right. I couldn't help but think about what Erin told me. I just feel like there is something I need to do to help her.

"Hey Erin?" I asked


"Do you ever go back to see your parents?"

"That's the thing, they, well my dad keeps threatening to come down here and pretty much kidnap me and bring me back to Michigan. I've been ignoring his calls but I'm not sure how long I can hold it off for. I'm afraid that he will actually come down here."

"If he tried anything, you tell me okay?" I said as she ran her fingers up and down my chest.

"I will. But just so you now, I'm not the girl who can't do anything for herself. I just don't like nice shoes getting muddy." She said laughing.

"That's good to know. I guess I'll just have to make sure you always have suitable shoes on for our dates."

"Dates?" She asked looking up at me.

"Well I could like it to be a re-occurring event."

"Yeah me too."

I smiled thinking about the dates I could take her on.

"And what kind of dates are you taking me on that imma need a certain kind of shoes for." She asked.

"Well i guess you're just gonna have to wait and find out."

"I'm gonna be in for a lot of surprises aren't I?" She asked laughing.

"You know what I've noticed?"


"You are staring to get a little bit of a southern accent."

"huh yeah right." She said laughing.

"Well i think it sounds cute." I said as I leaned in to her lips.

"Oh yeah?" She asked leaning in closer.

"Yeah." I mumbled against her lips.


I opened my eyes and I was laying on Luke on a dock. I sat up and realized me were still at Muckalee. I guess we fell asleep.

We just started talking last night. It was great. I learned so much about him, and he knows even more about me.

I was watching the sun come up and I felt two arm around my waist. Luke's head then rested on my shoulder. I leaned back into his arms and he started kissing on my neck. I turned my head to meet his lips.

"I didn't realize that we fell alseep." He said when we pulled apart.

"Me either. I don't mind through. I've slept better than I have in weeks." I said putting my hands over his on my stomach.

"It's because I'm here. You sleep better when you're next to me."

"Oh really? Is that so?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah. It is." He said and leaned down to kiss me.

"How about we go get some breakfast?" He asked and started to get up.

I reached back and pulled him back down. "Wait I want to watch the sun rise."

Luke sat back down and wrapped me in his arms. I felt so safe wrapped in his strong arms. I could stay here forever.

We sat there watching the sun come up, and Luke was humming a tune in my ear.

We stood up and started walking to the truck.

"What were you humming?" I asked as he grabbed one of my hands.

"I don't really know. It just kind of came to me." He said

"Well I liked it."

He kissed my head and helped me in my side of the truck. We started driving back into town to find somewhere to eat.

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