Chapter 17: Summer Of firsts and Lasts

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Summer. That word was like music to my ears. I was long over due for a much needed break. I was going to be staying with Katie for the summer. I was so excited. I had met her family over the breaks during the school year and they took me in with open arms.

I couldn't go home, and I wasn't planing on it. My father kept trying to get a hold of me, but I just ignored him. It seemed to be working. Thank God.

It turned out Luke and Katie only live about 25 minutes away from eachother. This was great. Luke had decided to stay for at least the summer. I was really pushing him to go, I didn't want him to get stuck I'm this town. I think his parents felt the same way but I wasn't sure.

The topic of Luke moving had been a touchy subject. Luke would tense up and not want to talk about it. Ever since the night of his graduation things had been off. We were getting along and things were good, but sometimes there would just be a lot of tension between us if nashville got brought up.

Me and Katie had finished packing up our dorm. We loaded up our trucks and started driving to her house. Luke had left about a week ago because he took his exams earlier.

About and hour later we were at her house. Luke and Nick were both standing there talking with her parents when we pulled up. Yeah, Nick. That's right, the guy Luke tried to beat up. After me and Luke had talked he went and apologized. Well he tried too. He went to his dorm and found him and Katie tangled up in his bed. Nick and Katie have been dating ever since. They are honestly perfect for eachother.

We got out of our trucks and walked up to where everyone was standing. Her parents came and hugged her and then walked over and did the same.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here. It means a lot." I said after her mom let go of me.

"Oh honey, your like family. Your welcome any time. Expecially if you bring Luke. He's nice too look at." Her mom said.

"Mom!" Katie yelled and we all laughed.

Katie's mom always made comments about Luke when ever he was around. I mean I don't blame her, she is a very nice man to look at. But I think she mostly did it because I annoyed Katie. I could tell it made Luke a little uncomfortable, but that just made it even more funnier.

"Well come on inside I have lunch made for everyone." Katie's mom said.

We followed her inside and all sat at the table. Oh how I missed home cooked meals. There was absolutely nothing like it. Once we were all full we started to bring in mine and Katie's stuff. Her parents had made up the guest room for me, so I was unpacking all of my things.

I was standing at the closet hanging up my clothes when I felt who arms snake around me. I smiled and leaned back.

"I'm taking you out to dinner tonight." Luke said.

"But I have so much unpacking to do. And all the organizing."

"Babe, there will be time for that later."

"Fine." I could feel Luke smile.

"Good. Now what can I do?" He asked.

"So on my bed and look pretty."

"Your so OCD." He laughed as he went to sit on the bed.

"I just like things done a certain way, there's nothing wrong with that."

Like just smirked and leaned back, and watched my every move. I tried to ignore it the best I could, but working with someone watching you is hard.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"Yeah come here."

I smiled and walked over to him. He reached over and pulled me on top of him.


"I'm bored." He said as he started kissing me.

"That sucks." I laughed and tried to pull away.

"Your no fun." He said pouting.

"If you just let me unpack until we go out, I will show you fun tonight." I said and pecked his lips before turning back to what I was doing.

"What kind of fun?" He asked

"I don't depends on how you act right now."

"So if I'm bad you will punish me?" Luke asked and I threw a hanger at him.


He just laughed and leaned back and closed his eye. Soon enough I heard his breathing slow down, and a slight snore come from him. Now I could maybe get something done.

After a few hours of unpacking, and Luke sleeping, I was almost done. I looked at the clock and it was almost seven o'clock. I walked over and tried to wake up Luke. He didn't move. I swear he is the heaviest sleeper I have ever met. I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in and kissed Luke. This he responds too. Men. And grabbed my hips and flipped us so he was on top of me.

"Did you have a nice nap?" I asked Luke.

"Yeah, but I like this better."

"Luuuke." I said

He moved so he was laying next to me but still looking down at me.

"What time were we going to go out?"


"Where are we going?" I asked.


I moved out from under him and pulled him off the bed.

"Well then you need to leave and get ready and come back to pick me up."

"I am ready." He said.

I stood there and looked at him. He had on basketball shorts and a tshirt.


"And your just fine too. So let's go."

"I am in Running shorts and a sports bra with no makeup." I said and Luke smirked at me.

"Ok maybe you need a shirt. But you look just fine without makeup."

Luke walked to my closet and pulled out the fist tshirt he saw.

"Here. Now let's go." He said as I put the shirt on.

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