Chapter 15: Things Change

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Luke dropped me off at my apartment and he didn't say a word. I got out and slammed the door behind me. He was un freakin believable. I got to my room and walked in. I took off my heels and fell onto my bed.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked sitting next to ms on my bed.


"Oh no."

"He pretty much said if he moves to Nashville we would break up because he didn't want to do long distance."

"Did you guys break up?"

"I have no idea. I asked him if he wanted our relationship and he didn't answer."

"Babe I'm so sorry." Katie came over and wrapped her arms around me, and I just broke down.

"I love him Katie."

"I know. I know."

We sat like that for a little while longer not saying anything. We decided to put in a movie, and get some food to snack on.


I got back to the house and walked into the kitchen. I opened up the liquor cubbord and got out some whiskey.

"Startin the party early?" Michael asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah." I said as I downed a shot.

"Hey you alright man. Where Erin?"

"I fucked that up."

"Have you talked to her?"

"No. She's pissed at me."

"Well hey, tonight we're gonna have the best party ever, and get your mind off of her."

He poured us both another shot and we clinker put glasses amd downed the whiskey.

I helped the guys with the rest of setting up with the party. I couldn't help to wonder if Erin was going to show up. She knew it was at my house so I wasn't betting on her being here. Before I knew it, it was time that people were starting to come over. I went upstairs grabbed a shower and got ready. By the time I got downstairs it was packed. I looked out side amd there were twice as many people out side. This was deffinetly the biggest party we had had this year. I walked in the living room and there was shot pong already set up. I joined in a game and started playing. I was getting wasted fast.

A little while later I went into the kitchen and there was Sophie. I don't want to deal with this.

"Oh hey Luke." She yelled after me.

"Hi Sophie." I said and tried to keep talking, but she grabbed onto my arm.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?" She asked stepping close. "Or we can not talk." She whispered in my ear.

You know what. What the hell I don't care anymore. I pulled her face to mine and started kissing her. she has got to be the worst kisser ever. But for some reason I didn't stop.


Me and Katie had just finished our third movie. I was getting reatless. I got up to move around.

"Let's go out tonight." Katie said sitting up.

"Yeah sure. Where?" I asked.

"The senior party is tonight.."


"No come one Erin. Your gonna be that girl who avoids places just because some guy might be there."

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