Chapter 7: Why?

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"You're scared..? Of what?" Luke asked.

"I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I'm sorry Luke." I said and walked outside.

I just had to get out of there. The whole situation just seemed so real now. I didn't want that. I didn't need to get my heart broken again.

"Erin! Wait talk to me." Luke called chasing after me.

"Luke please, just don't."

"No Erin, I'm not letting go without a fight. When we were just talking you seemed fine, I mean, I thought you were flirting with me." He said.

"I was. Everything seemed fun then. I didn't think anything would actually happen. I'm not ready to be in another relationship. I'm sorry Luke."

"Why. Who fucked you over so bad that you don't even want to talk to me. I think I deserve an explanation after you leading me on."

"I had one boyfriend who I thought I was in love with. We dated for 2 years. I found out he had been sleeping with pretty much every other girl at our school behind my back, including all my friends.

"I was the joke of the school. I had no friends anymore. I gave that guy everything I had. I thought I was going to be with him for the rest of my life" I said.

"You really did get fucked over. Bad."

"Yeah. I don't want to go through that again.:

"So you seeing Sophie trying to get with me, made you think I was going to be like that guy," He asked sounding hurt.

"Luke I barley even know you. You seem different. I feel like I can trust you, but I thought I could trust him too. I have to protect myself. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I guess it was really fast. Friends?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

He reached out and gave me a hug. We started walking back inside the bar.

"So now you can go be with Sophia." I said. He stopped walking amd looked at me.

"That is not funny. Don't ever say that again. I don't want her." He said.

I just started laughing.


Damn, I guess her seeing Sophia really hit a nerve. I get why she was scared, but she was completly leading me on. I walked back into the bar and found my group of friends.


I was Luke and Erin go outside. Damn. What does he even see in her. Whatever.

I continued to drink and dance with the girls. A little while later, I say Luke and Erin walk in and them go separate ways. I walked up to Erin.

"So things didn't work out huh?" I asked.

"It's not really any of your business Sophie." She said.

"Hey, I tried being nice to you. But you crossed the line going after Luke. At first you didn't know, but when you found out we had a thing, you still didn't back off. Friends don't do that to eachother."

"Good thing we're not really friends. And Luke told me he wasn't interested in you."

"Of course he would tell you that to get in your pants. But he wanted me to kiss him, and he kissed me back. Guess your not as special as you thought huh?" I said and picked up my drink.

"Enjoy the rest of your night." I said and walked away.


I don't know what is Sophie's problem. Whatever she's not going to get to me. I know Luke well enough to know he's not that kind of guy. I went over with my friends and tried to enjoy the rest of the night.

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