Chapter 8: Jealous

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So I've down here in Georgia for about a month and a half. I absolutely love it down here. My friends are amazing, and we have gotten so close. Three of the girls like all just got boyfriends so we've been hanging out with them alot. It just so happens that is the same group of guys that Luke hangs out with.

I'm not gonna lie it has been really weird since I told Luke that I wasn't ready. We tried being friends but it was just really hard.

I lowkey get jealous when I see him with other girls. But I let him go so I have to deal with it. It is pretty funny watching Sophie try to flirt with him because all he does is turn her down.

We were all at a party for one of the guys birthdays. It was a pretty big party. Everyone was there.

Ever since me and Luke stopped talking the girls haven't been that bad. They seem to like me a little more. That's good I guess.

I was talking with a bunch of girls. We had mostly been talking about all the guys that were at the party. There some pretty nice guys to look at.

"I still think that the hottest guy here is Luke." This one girl said.

"Oh totally. Hey Erin, didn't you guys have a thing?" Katie asked.

"Yeah I guess. We don't really talk anymore." I answered

"What happened?" They all asked.

"Nothing really. We just decided it wasn't gonna work."

"I heard that you found him with someone else."

"I heard his ex girlfriend was pregnant. "

"Someone told me that he caught you with someone else."

I couldn't believe this. Who was saying all this shit. This is insane.

"Who told you guys this. And how come i haven't heard any of this?" They all just kinda looked at each other and no one said anything.

"Someone answer me!"

"Sophia stared saying shit to everyone and anyone." Katie told me.

"But how come i still haven't heard what people have been saying?"

"When Luke found out what people were saying, he told them that if he heard them say anything else they would have to deal with him." Katie said.

"He did that."

Wow. Luke is such an amazing guy. Even after i turned him down after leading him on, he would still do that for me. I needed to find him.

"Hey where you going?" Katie asked as I stared walking away.

"I just need to go find someone. I'll be back." I said and walked away.

I looked around trying to find Luke. I knew he was here tonight. I couldn't find him anywhere. I walked outside to get some fresh air. I walked out looked over to the chairs. Luke was sitting over there doing something on his phone. He looked up and we made eye contact. Well now I had no choice but to go over there. Now or Never.

"Hey stranger." Luke said as I walked over to him.

"Hey Luke." I said as I sat down next to him.

"Thank you." I said looking up at him.

"For what?" He asked looking confused.

"For stopping people from talking about what went down between us."

"They don't know what they're talking about."

"Still, it means a lot that you would do that."

"I would do anything for you Erin." He said looking me in the eyes.

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