Chapter 16: Outside her Door

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I got dressed and walked to Erin's dorm. I got up to her room and knocked on her door. A few seconds later the door opened and Katie was standing there. She just glared at me.

"Is Erin here?" I asked.


"Where is she? Didn't she leave the party before you?"


"Are you going to tell me where she is?"


"How about when she's gonna bet back?"


"Come on Katie. She's pissed at me. I need to talk to her." I said. Katie just continued to stare at me with a bitchy glare. I couldn't blame her. She was probably pissed at me too.

"Can I at least wait for her to get back?"

"Yeah in the hall." With that she slammed the door in my face.

I sat down and leaned up against the door. Where could she be? I hope she wasn't gonna be out much longer.
I just sat there staring at the wall. I could feel my eye lids start to get heavy. I don't know how much longer I was going to last.


I walked up to my door amd there was Luke. Passed out against my door. I stood over him to unlock the door. When I opened the door he fell back. I'm not surprized he didn't wake up. He is a heavy sleeper. I looked up at Katie and she gave me and apologetic look.

"I tried to get him to leave."

"It's alright. Here help me move him to my bed."

She grabbed his legs and I grabbed his upper body and we lifted him on my bed.

"My god he is heavy." Katie said and I laughed.

"Thank you."

I took of his shoes and put my comforter over him.

"You can sleep with me." Katie said.

We both got into her bed and layed down.

"Did you ever sleep with him?" Katie asked.

"No. I'm waiting."

"Did he respect that?"

"Yeah he was great about it. He never tried to push boundaries."

"What are you gonna do about him?"

"I have no idea. What would you do?"

"Well I'd say it's pretty obvious he cares about you. I think he just messed up and you guys need to talk things through."

"I wish it were easy."

"Then what would there be to fight for?"

"I hate that your right." I said and we both laughed.

"Is he moving to nashville?"

"Not right now I don't think. I don't think he's ready to leave."

"At least he'll be here still."

"Yeah, but I don't want him to keep putting off his dreams." I said.

"He's lucky to have you."

"I'm pretty lucky to have him." I said.

"Well goodnight hot stuff." Katie said and leaned over and kissed my check.

"Night doll face." I said laughing.

I turned over and tried to fall asleep. I looked at Luke in my bed. He came and sat outside my door for who knows how long to talk to me. I don't know what to do.

I really just want to get up and go lay next to him, know he would wrap me in his arms. I would feel safe as if everything were fine.

Everything wasn't fine. And I couldn't pretend it was. Was I overreacting? Probably. But he hurt me. Things should've gone a lot differnt today. Today was supposed to be happy. He graduated, that's huge. But things turned to shit in a matter of seconds.

I really do think all we needed was to talk. When Luke isn't drunk that is. I'm scared I'm going to loose him. When he does move to nashville, the reality is we probably won't last long. It's like our relationship is a ticking time bomb. But I would at least fight like hell to stop that bomb from going off. I'm not so sure that Luke would though. I would be so happy if he stayed here longer. But I would also feel terrible that he's not following his dreams.

I've never known what it feels like to have your heart broken, but I'm pretty sure this is how it starts.

Looking at him breaks my heart. It's a numb feeling as if nothing is ever going to be the same. I'm loosing a part of who I am. Like one of my limbs is being cut off. I'm bleeding out, and the person who can stop it is Luke. He's my everything. He gets me through the day, he makes my days better. I'm not the same person I am when I'm woth him. He makes me want to be a better person. He's helped me come out of my shell and be comfortable with who I am. He has changed my life so much. He gave me a sence of home when I moved down here and knew No one besides Katie. He's my family. He's helped me stand up against my dad, amd not be afraid because I knew if anything happened Luke would be there to protect me.

I don't know how I can do this without him.


I woke up and I was in a bed. But not my bed. Wait, I thought I went to Erin's last night. Where on earth was I. I sat up and looked around. I was in Erin's room. No one else was around. I looked at the clock and it was 11 o'clock. The last thing I remember was sitting outside her door waiting for her to get home. A few minutes later the door started to open. In came Erin carrying two cups of coffee and a bag.

"Your up." She said as she set her things down.

"Thanks for letting me stay here."

"I didn't really have a choice you were passed out outside my door."

Ok maybe talking to her was going to be harder than I thought. She walked to her desk and got out a pill bottle. She handed me the pills and a cup of coffee.

"I figured you'd need this."

"Thank you." I said.

She opened the bag and took out a muffin and handed me the bag. There was another muffin in it. She came and sat next to me on the bed. We sat in silence and drank our coffee and ate out muffins.

"I'm sorry." I said looking over at her.

"For what?" She asked not looking up from her muffin.

"For being a jackass. And for making you think I didn't want to fight for our relationship. I just got scared that if I did move you would break up with me because you didn't want to do long distance. And then you saying you wanted me to move made that even worse. But Erin belive me when I say, I am going to fight for our relationship. It means more to me than anything. And I love you."

This time she looked up at me with soft eyes.

"I love you too. And I don't want to break up just because you move. And I don't want you too move because I want you gone, I want you to move because I don't want to hold you back. I want you to follow your dreams. Yeah its gonna be hard, but I don't care. We can get through anything."

"I'm so sorry Erin."

"I'm know." She said as she moved over and cuddled into my side. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"How long were you sitting out side my door."

"I don't even know. I just had to talk to you."

She didn't say anything. We just sat there holding eachother and it felt right having her in my arms.


I'm glad things with Luke are fixed. I feel like I can breath again. I still can't help the sinking feeling in my stomch. I really just hope we can work through whatever comes our way.


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