The Switching

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This chapter has severe corporal punishment in it. If you aren't okay with that, then turn back now. You have been forewarned.

Brielle stared at him in shock. Her hand outstretched with the knife on her palm. "Are you serious?" She asked her face paling.
"Extremely. Now go out back to the willow tree and cut several switches, about a foot long. Make sure they are all sturdy and won't break." Dallas said pointing to the backdoor. Brielle gaped at him. Dallas took a breath, "If I have to cut them myself I will double what I'm going to give you." He said. Brielle felt her eyes start to water, so instead of letting Dallas see her cry she went to the back door and slowly opened it, walking out. She padded to the large willow tree her tears blurring her vision. She flipped the knife open and tried to choose a study branch that she knew would lay multiple stripes across her ass. She let her tears roll down her cheeks. She began to cut at a long branch and sawed away at it. Eventually it came free and she cut in as close to 12 inches as she could. Then she did a second. She bent them back and forth to make sure they wouldn't break, afraid of what would happened if they did. She cried a little more and stood by the tree for a few minutes before she wiped her face with her hand and solemnly walked back into the house. She entered the kitchen where Dallas was still sitting in the chair. He looked up at her, noticing her red eyes and face. He stood up and gestured to the study. Brielle felt her stomach sink. She turned and went to the study, gripping the switches tightly in her hands. She entered the study and turned, watching Dallas close the double doors and then facing her. He put his hand out, and Brielle tentatively placed the switches in his hand, backing away. He swung them a few times in the air, testing their durability. Brielle could feel herself beginning to shake. She grasped her hands together, biting her lip. "Go to the desk." Dallas ordered. Brielle made her legs, which felt like jelly, go to the desk. Once she got there Dallas spoke again. "Take your pajama pants off."
"What?" Brielle asked almost inaudibly.
"Take your pants down." He said again. When she didn't do it, he added. "Using a switch will be different from using a belt. I want to make sure I don't leave bruising, and I need to see what I'm doing." He explained.
"Well then, just use your belt." Brielle offered.
"Not happening kid, I told you I was going to use a switch, and I plan to carry out that promise. Now take them off and bend over." He commanded. Brielle turned to the desk and hooked her fingers into her waistband. She felt her heart hammering in her chest as she tried to breath. She slowly pulled her PJ pants down her legs, stepping out of them and laying them down on the desk beside her. Her T-shirt barely covered her bright orange boyshort underwear. "Pull your shirt up to your waist." Dallas instructed. She lifted her shirt up above her hips and then put her forearms on the table, leaning over. She heard Dallas swoosh the switch in the air and she cringed. "Okay, stay still until I say we're done understand?" He asked.
"Yes sir." She whispered, not wanting to add more punishment for sass. She didn't wait long before Dallas laid the first lick onto her backside. She gasped at the impact, one after the other fell with a few seconds between each one, allowing Brielle to catch her breath. She began to cry, her tears pooling in her eyes and pouring past her cheeks unto the cherry wood desk. She was able to count the first thirteen, but lost count after that, trying to think past the pain. She could feel each welt swelling on her skin, and she fought the urge to stamp her feet in frustration and scream. Dallas laid eight more across the top of her thighs before pausing. Brielle was crying out loud, but refused to beg for him to stop. "Alright a few more, don't move, these are going to be fast and hard." He said, Brielle choked on a sob and nodded. The licks came hard and fast as he promised, Brielle focused on counting them, knowing the pain that followed would be more painful than the last. After five powerful spanks Dallas stopped. Brielle stood over the desk sobbing, her ass on fire. She heard Dallas throw the switch down and go to the door. "I'll give you a few minutes to yourself." He said walking out of the room closing the door behind him. Brielle let herself cry it all out and just stood there. Before she knew it Dallas had reentered the room. "Turn around." He said. Garrett and Jace were beside him, and Brielle wiped her face and looked up at them. "You know why you were punished?" Dallas asked.
"Yes sir." Brielle said meekly, her voice unsteady.
"You realize that what you did was wrong and that you lied about it?" Garrett asked.
"Yes...sir." She said again, with a hiccup following it.
"You will write an apology note to Mrs. Danios your old math teacher for changing that grade." Jace finished off.
"Yes sir." Came again quietly.
"For the rest of the week you will receive a spanking each night from one of us for lying and changing the grade. Understood?" Dallas asked. Brielle couldn't imagine a spanking on top of the switching she just received. Her eyes darted across the room, wondering if they would be like the one she got tonight. Her thoughts were interrupted when Dallas spoke, "Understood?" He asked again when she didn't respond.
"Yes sir." She answered.
"Good." Garrett and Jace left the room, leaving Dallas and Brielle alone. "Put your pants back on." He ordered. Brielle took her pants from the desk and slipped back into them, wincing once they reached her ass. She faced him and watched as he picked up the switches again. "I thought we were done?" Brielle said fearfully.
"We are." Dallas said. He took the switches and broke them over his knee. He threw the broken pieces away. "I never want to do that again. But if you give me a reason to, I will."
Brielle nodded. Dallas came and stood before her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "I hate when you I have to reprimand you, but I do it because I love you." He kissed the top of her head. Brielle almost hated the fact that a hug was exactly what she needed, but she let Dallas embrace her, she could smell his body wash. The scent of cinnamon overcame her and she actually enjoyed the smell. He released her and look at her red puffy eyes, which she cast down in response. "Please stay out of trouble. At least until I can use my arm again." This brought a faint grin from Brielle, but fell once her mind went back to the pain in her bottom and thighs.
"Alright, go upstairs, do your homework and go to bed." Dallas said. Brielle didn't even have the energy to argue. She left the room and headed upstairs. She went into her room and locked the door. She headed to her mirror and took her pants off and underwear, looking in the mirror, studying her beaten ass. Welts covered her backside and upper thighs, each one red, but none of them broke the skin. She ran her hand over the welts and winced once her hand made contact. Yep, she would be sleeping on her stomach for a few nights. She groaned at the thought of receiving spanking every night for the rest of the week. She put her underwear back on and changed into a pair of loose shorts. It would be a while before she could fall asleep.

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