Did somebody say party?

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It had been several days and Lexi had only got warnings, but she was still in the clear.

"Practice is starting in twenty minutes, get your tails moving." Dallas called from the kitchen. Lexi had Greyson pinned upstairs sitting on his back until her gave her phone back. "I'm not moving until I get it back." Lexi said while Greyson flailed beneath her. "I don't have it!" Greyson yelled.
"Lies!" Lexi shouted as she bounced on his back causing him to lose his breath. "Lexi I can't breath." Greyson gasped. Lexi kept her seat and continued to yell. Suddenly a rough hand grabbed her ear and pulled her up from Greyson. "Owowowow......." Lexi yelped as Garrett roughly jerked her away while she tried to pull herself from his grasp. "Ow okay let go, let go." Garrett answered with a sharp tug to her ear. "Did you not hear Dallas say get moving?"
"Ah, I must have missed it." Lexi lied. Garrett squeezed tighter. Lexi grabbed his hand that held her captive and tried to pull it away. "Okay okay I heard him, but Greyson won't give me my phone back." Lexi whined.
"I don't think you'll need it for practice Alexis."
"But I need it Garrett, I'm talking to someone!"
"Is this someone a boy?"
"Does it matter if it is?"
"It might."
"Then nope."
"Are you lying?"
Lexi paused,"No."
"You know lying gets you into trouble."
"Good thing I'm not lying." Garrett only tugged harder. Lexi yelled, "Ow that hurts!"
"It's supposed to. What's his name?"
"I thought Dallas told is to get ready?"
"Avoiding the question won't get you out of it." He gave another yank.
"Alright!" Lexi yelled, "His name is Quinn. We've been friends since we could walk. He's a friend not a potenial boyfriend."
"And that's the truth?"
"Good, now go get ready for practice." He let go of her and she went stumbling from him rubbing the pain from her ear. "Wait, what about my phone?" Garrett sighed, "Greyson, where's her phone?"
"I don't have it." Greyson said. He had stood from the floor and was standing idly in the hall. Brielle walked out from her room and glanced up at the scene, "Oh hey Lexi, I have your phone. I wanted to download the pictures you took onto my computer." Lexi glared at Brielle, "Oh how nice of you to tell me." She snatched the phone from Brielle and walked into her room shutting the door. "What?" Asked Brielle.
"Nothing, you just could have saved me some torture." Greyson said as he walked past her into his own room.
"What did I do?" Brielle questioned Garrett.
"Don't worry about it. Get ready for practice." He ordered. Brielle made a face and turned on her heel. Garrett went down the stairs and came face to face with Dallas. "What happened?" Dallas asked as he reviewed his list of drills for the soccer practice. "Just a misunderstanding."
"A very loud misunderstanding." Dallas mused.

Lexi Brielle and Greyson all came running down the stairs with their practice bags.
"I said twenty minutes thirty minutes ago."
"Teenage problems Dallas. They seem endless." Greyson smartassed back.
"Next time you're late you walk." Dallas countered. "Just get in the car."

They piled in and soon they were at the school. Lexi got out and headed straight for the soccer field, Dallas followed her and Brielle and Greyson both went straight to the baseball fields.

Greyson waited for the pitch. He could do this, he had to. He had made it on the team by the skin on his teeth. The ball came and Greyson swung. He couldn't tell if he had hit it or not. Suddenly someone was yelling at him "Run! Run Holmes run!" So Greyson did. He took off and before he knew it was at second base. He was headed to third when he saw a boy with the ball throw it to third base. Greyson skidded to a hault and went back to second, but the third base-man had thrown it to second, Greyson turned and dashed for third base, he heard the ball whoosh in the air and he slid into third base, right before the third base-man caught the ball. He was safe.
Greyson was covered in dirt, but he didn't care. He had made it. After another boy hit the ball he was able to run to home base. A kid came running up to him. "Hey that was a really nice hit! Where'd you'd learn to swing like that?"

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