Family Fight

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Lexi stared at Dallas, he could not possibly have the legal papers. "You can't have them because they don't exist." Lexi said.
"Yes I can. Your mother gave them to Jace before she left."
"I want to see them." Greyson said. Garrett went into the study and opened one of the drawers, he pulled out a manilla folder. He walked back to the living room and handed it to Greyson. Greyson slowly pulled the contents of the folder out. In black ink was the legal papers, clearly explaing the situation, there were six signatures on the bottom of the page, their mother's, step-father's, the King's boys and Mrs. Rivers. "This isn't real." Greyson said.
"Oh it's real, now I believe, you stand corrected, my brothers and I will not be leaving any time soon. So what was all that about, the cabin in Colorado?" Dallas asked.
"It was nothing I swear." Greyson told him.
"And I think you are lying. I want the truth."
"I-I, look it's not what you think. We um well we..." Greyson muttered.
"Look it was all my idea." Lexi interupted.
"Your idea for what exactly?" Jace asked. Lexi glanced at her brother and sister. "It was my idea to call Mrs. Rivers about the legal papers of you being our gaurdians. I wanted to make you leave. We were really trying to get the documents for the cabin in Colorado, it just wasn't out main goal. It was all me, I swear, I just pulled Greyson and Brielle into it." Lexi confessed.

Just believe me and leave Greyson and Brielle alone, please. Lexi begged silently.

"Is that the whole truth?" Garrett asked.
"What are we in a court room now?" Lexi sassd back. Jace sent her a look and she quietly answered back, "Sorry."
"Was it really that difficult to spill the truth?" Dallas asked them.
"Yes it was." Lexi almost spat.
"Okay, well I'm sure you know lying, isn't something that you can get away with. And for lying and trying to get rid of us, when all we are trying to do is help you, you will be punished." Garrett said solemnly.
"Look, we've learned our lesson, I promise. Can we just forget about the whole thing and start fresh?" Brielle pleaded.
"I would say yes, if I believed you." Jace told her.
"Fine, then it was my idea, and I forced Greyson and Lexi to do it."Brielle said.
"No I was my idea and I made Brielle and Lexi go along with it." Greyson told them.
"What are you doing?" Lexi questioned.
"If you're going down in flames we might as well go with you."
"Whose idea was it?" Garrett asked clearly irrated.
Greyson and Brielle both started to say it was theirs but Lexi yelled over them.
"It was my bloody idea! Stop trying to take the blame. I did it okay. Just leave it at that."
"So I take it it was Lexi's idea then." Dallas thought out loud.
"Yes it was." Lexi told him.
"Okay all three of you go sit in the study, we'll be there in a little bit." Jace ordered them.
Lexi slowly walked toward the dreaded room with her brother and sister in tow. They sat down on the couch and Greyson asked, "How bad do you think it's gonna be?"
"I have no clue." Lexi answered. They waited, and waited and waited. Finally the Kings brothers came in.
"We have discussed it, and decided that we will let you off with a warning." Dallas said. Relief flooded over the Holmes kids.
"But, if this ever happened again, the punishment will not be so pleasant. Garret said.
"Wait, so there's no punishment? Like at all?" Greyson asked.
"Would you like there to be?" Garrett taunted.
"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. It's just, you're letting us off scotch free?"
"Yes, next time make sure you don't disobey. And we won't have this problem. Understand?" Garrett demanded.
"Yes." Greyson answered.
"Yeah, sure." Brielle followed. Everyone looked at Lexi, awaiting her response.
"Well?" Jace asked in her direction.
"What?" She sassed back.
"Your answer?"
"I wasn't going to answer."
"You better rethink that young lady, because if you don't understand, I can make you understand, and I don't think you'll like my method." Garrett told her.
Lexi sat on the coach silently, debating what to say. If she said yes, then it would mean giving up the fight, and if she said no, then she would be having a go at it with Garrett.

This is so damn stupid.

"Lexi, we are waiting." Dallas said impatiently. Lexi kept her mouth shut.
"Lexi come on." Brielle nudged her. "Stop being stubborn, please." Lexi turned to Brielle, "No, I won't, I won't do what they ask, there must be someway to get rid of them."
"Just except defeat for now Lexi, you are digging a hole." Greyson said.
"Then I guess I'll be digging alone." Lexi glared at him.
Brielle stood up from the couch and yelled at Lexi, "Just let it go Lexi, I'm so tired of being about you, you and you! There are other people who need stuff too, and I won't be going to the grave with you! You are being completely selfish and you just need to get over yourself already!" Brielle was red in the face and her hands were balled into fists.
"You're tired of me being selfish? Oh that's rich coming from you!" Lexi stood to be face to face with her sister. "These people come into our lives and you are just okay with it? What happened to being on my side? You accept them and betray me?"
"They are here to stay Lexi, for two years so you better get used to them being around. Stop looking for an easy way out!"
What kind of a sister does this, siding with them? Wait I know, a shitty one."
Brielle gazed at Lexi,, never had Lexi hurt her with words. And it stung. Brielle took a step towards Lexi, "At least I'm not a sorry slut who got messed up by the principles son!"
"You bitch!" Lexi shoved Brielle with both her hands, and Brielle stumbled back and fell to the ground hitting her head with a loud crack.

Brielle laid in the floor for a moment tears swelling in her eyes. She slowly sat up and held her head. She brought her knees close to her chest and rested her head on them while moving back and forth trying to rid the pain and the tears that threatened to spill. Jace bent down and asked if she was okay. Brielle nodded and kept her position.
Lexi stood there stunned, she hadn't meant to hurt Bri, it just kind of happened.
Jace took Brielle by the arm and helped her up, "Come on let's get some ice on that." Brielle stood and looked at Lexi's eyes. Lexi could see Bri's were full of hurt. "Bri- I didn't mean...." But Brielle cut her off by shaking her head and walking away with Jace. Dallas and Greyson followed them out. Garrett took Lexi's arm and pushed her back onto the couch. "Stay here and don't move." He ordered her. Lexi numbly obeyed. He walked out and went to examine Brielle's head. Lexi watched from her seat on the couch the scene that took place. Jace took Brielle by her waist and lifted her unto the kitchen counter. Dallas found an ice pack and handed it to Brielle, who gently placed it on the back if her injured head. Jace asked her again if she was okay and she nodded. He placed his hand on her head to see if he could feel the bump. He smiled and said she would survive. He helped her off the countertop and Brielle started to head for the stairs. Lexi looked at her walk by and Brielle caught her eye, she paused for a moment staring at Lexi, who held her gaze, Garrett walked into the study and shut the huge double oak doors, cutting Lexi off from Brielle.

Hey guys thanks for reading!! It really means a lot to me, I'm sorry for the long period between updates, but my parents are super strict about school and sports and all the other things I do! So I see that people have read my story but haven't voted! So if you like the story you should vote, comment and follow me! I love when people comment and I want feedback. Maybe ideas for the next chapter and some critic for the story and writing.



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