Fighting for the boy she likes and fighting the boy she hates

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Lexi closed Brielle's door, her sister had fallen fast asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. It was late, and Lexi's eyes were heavy as well. She had been so worried about her sister that she had blown off her homework. She groaned at the thought that she had so much left to do. She wondered if Dallas would let her off the hook for her blank math assignment, and Jace about the essay she had due. She figured she would cross that bridge when she got there. Being worried about Brielle had taken a toll, not only on her but Jace, and Garrett as well. She opened her door to her room and proceeded to flop onto her bed while pushing books and notepads off the edge that landed with a thud. She gazed at her overhead fish tank, the graceful movement of them swimming was lulling her to sleep. Her eyes fluttered shut, but a ding from her phone brought her back. She was too tired to care so she let her eyes flutter shut again. Another ding, which she ignored, then another, and another. She couldn't ignore the steady stream of messages she was receiving. She rolled over reluctantly, picking up her phone from her nightstand. She jerked to attention when she saw the amount of missed calls and messages from Jonathan. She sat up quickly, crossing her legs over one another. She scrolled through the messages, Jonathan sounded quite upset that she was ignoring him. She was about to silence her phone and go to sleep when it rang. She declined the call, but he was quick to ring her again. She declined his call four times, before coming to the conclusion that if she didn't answer he would actually come to her house. She rolled her eyes and answered, "What do you want?" She demanded more than asked. "Why haven't you answered?" His voice was cold and annoyed. "I was busy, not that it's any of your concern. It's late, what do you want?"

"I have an errand for you."

"Are you serious? Do you know what time it is?" She leaned from her position on the bed to look at the clock on her desk.

"I am aware of the time, if you had answered earlier you would be done by now. What was so important you couldn't answer your phone?"

Lexi held her breath, he wouldn't care what Brielle had gone through, he would relish in it.
"Nothing." She said.

"Ignoring me just to annoy me is not wise my little Canary."

"Just tell me what the hell you want asshole."

"Alexis Grace, name calling is childish."

"Right up my alley then. Tell me what you want before I hang up."

"No foreplay?"


"Come to the high school."


"Yes now."

"Are you crazy?" She leaned over again, "It's 3:47 in the morning, no way."

"I will see you in 20 minutes. I'm sure you know the consequences if you don't."

"Why, what could you possibly need?"

"I need you to bring the keys."

Lexi crept into Dallas's room, beads of sweat forming on her brow and her heart nearing beating out of her chest. He was breathing lightly and Lexi questioned her choice of King brother to steal from. She wasn't sure that the high school keys were on the regular key chains and wished she knew what they looked like. She held her breath as she walked by Dallas's bed and to the chair where his bag was. She froze when Dallas stirred in his sleep and she prayed he wouldn't wake up. She lifted the bag with gentle hands and made her way into the bathroom. She closed the door and switched the light on, moving to the far side so the noise she made wouldn't be heard. She reached her hand inside the pockets and it didn't take long for her to find his other set of keys. She breathed a sigh of relief, then a sigh of disappointment. She told Brielle she would try, try to be better with the King brothers and give them a chance, but here she was, stealing from Dallas, and if she got caught they wouldn't trust her at all, especially since she wouldn't be able to tell them why. Her heart felt heavy, she was letting down her sister, and what was worse was that Brielle wouldn't be able to get mad at her because Jonathan held every bit of leverage he needed to make her his puppet. Lexi turned out the light and returned the bag to the chair, she would have to be fast in order to put his keys back before he woke up. She exited his room and quickly scurried down the stairs and slipped through the back door. She had gotten Jonathan to agree to come to get her so she didn't have to walk all the way. His car was sitting idle somewhat down the street, and she wondered how long he had been there. She steeled herself as she opened the door and slide into the pits of hell. "Before I give these to you, tell me why you have to get into the school." His smile was half caught in the moonlight, his sickly charm almost believable. "Aren't you cute? All tousled about."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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