I love you

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Brielle had been bombarded with questions and inquiries about her night and injuries when she got home. She was barely able to stumble over the details as she felt her body fade from pain to a slow, constant ache. She brushed her tousled hair from her face and behind her ear for what felt like the hundredth time, but it kept freeing itself and taking its place before her heavy eyes. Her fingers were wandering to her bruised cheek and busted lip, her fingernail digging into the torn flesh and splitting it further. There was now dried blood under her nail, and fresh blood pooling at her lip. Garrett had continued to pull her hand away from her face as she shared the events of the evening. Lexi asked a question for the thousandth time and swore, promising she was going to strangle Chess's dad and beat him to a pulp. Although her language was quite colorful, she only received light reprimands from the King brothers.

"He's fucking dead." Lexi seethed when Brielle showed them her bruised side.

"Alexis Grace, if I have to remind you about your language one more time you will not like the outcome," Jace said sternly. Lexi glanced at him quickly, her eyes narrowed, "He should die for what he did. "It is not your job to make sure he gets into his grave," Jace answered, his tone still stern, battling for dominance with Lexi's growing anger. "Then maybe you should have put shithead in his grave when you saw him." Lexi challenged. Jace rubbed at his temples. Lexi opened her mouth to continue when a tired a strained voice beat her to it, "Jace punched him, four times." Brielle said her finger at her lip again. Garrett reached over and pulled her hand away. "You punched him?" Lexi asked, turning to Jace. With his hands still at his temples, Jace nodded. She turned her full attention to him, "Did you like, break his nose? Knock his teeth out?"

"Okay, I think we've all had a long night, Greyson, Alexis, I know you still have homework, so get to it, Brielle, let's get you upstairs and to bed," Dallas spoke for the first time, Jace sent him a look of gratitude and Lexi sighed. "I still think you should have killed his sorry ass."

"Alexis, go do your homework," Garrett ordered, pointing to her pile of notebooks on the kitchen table. Lexi grumbled as she and Greyson made their way to the table to finish their homework. Brielle sat rooted to the couch, she wasn't physically drained, but emotionally. Her will to move was nonexistent as she thought about her friend, laying in the hospital bed, with scars and bruises ranging from that night, to years ago. Her heart ached for the boy who didn't have someone to love him. She saw his lips move but didn't hear what he said. His touch on her leg broke her from her heartache of thoughts. "Brielle?" She followed the hand on her thigh to Jace's face, it was furrowed with concern. "Hey, let's get you into bed, maybe a shower?" She felt herself nod. "Come on honey." He stood and offered his hand for her to stand, and she took it, holding a little tighter than necessary. She straightened on two unsteady legs, making her way to the stairs. Once she reached them she looked up, it seemed like an impossible challenge. She took a deep breath and immediately regretted it, she bent over holding her side. "Brielle?"

"My side justs hurts, I'll make it up there, it might just take me a little bit."

"Want me to carry you?" He asked, his voice was kind and gentle.

"I'm not two Jace." She cursed herself, she really needed the help, and if she hadn't been so prideful, then maybe she would have considered the fact that it was going to hurt like a bitch to make it up the stairs. "Was that a no then?" It was like he could read her mind. She sighed, "No it wasn't, I'm sorry."

"I know you're not two, but you're hurt and tired, let me help you." He wrapped his arm under her arms, and she lifted her arm to let him. He bent down and put his other arm under her knees, and he scooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. His arms around her brought back memories of when her dad would carry her up the stairs to her room for bed. She placed her hand on his chest, his warmth brought tears to her tired eyes. Her hand used to be so small against her father's chest, she wasn't small anymore, and the memory of her dad caused her aching heart feel like it was going to shatter. She rested her head on him and closed her eyes, the tears leaving a trail down her bruised cheeks. Once Jace reached her room he went to set her down but couldn't help notice the sad girl clinging to his shirt, with tears streaked across her face. Instead, he sat down on her bed and brought her closer to him, he freed his arm from under her legs and brought it to her head, stroking her hair. Brielle knew she looked like a child, cradled in Jace's arms and normally she would hate the thought, but at the moment she didn't mind. She let her tears fall and held to Jace as if he was the only thing that kept her from crossing the line from sanity to insanity. They sat there a while before Brielle spoke, barely above a whisper. "My dad used to hold me like this."

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