Time to Pay the Piper

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Lexi hadn't even registered what was going to happen to her when Garrett came back. But the grim expression on his face suggested nothing good. The double doors shut, leaving Lexi alone with Garrett.
"What were you thinking?" Garrett asked is a harsh tone.
"Would it help if I said I wasn't?" Lexi rudely asked, still not wanting to let him have the satisfaction of her being nice.
"Well obviously!" Garrett shouted at her.
"First of all, we were letting you off with a warning for calling Mrs. Rivers and then lying about it. But you can't be respectful for a single second and admit you were wrong. And cussing and shoving your sister? Alexis you're acting like a bratty child, and reality is gonna hit you hard kid. Brielle is your sister, you don't curse and push your family, cause in the long run, they are the ones who stick with you."
Lexi kept her gaze down, she hadn't been lectured in quite a while.
"I don't think I need to tell you to apologize to her." He put his hand over his forehead and sighed. "Okay let's get this over with."
"What do you mean?" Lexi asked hesitantly.
"I think you know what I mean."
"No I won't let you do that! She's fine it's not even that big of a deal!" Lexi argued while standing up.
"Alexis, it doesn't matter whether she got hurt or not, the fact about it is that you did something wrong and now you need to be corrected. Now come here."
"There is no way in hell I'm coming over there to let you do god knows what to me!" Lexi spat.
"Alexis, you've earned yourself a spanking and you're going to get it whether you like it or not!"
Lexi shot for the door and as she began to open it, Garrett slammed it closed, with the palm of his hand. "Alexis do not make this worse for yourself." Garrett took her by her arm and practically dragged her to a chair. Before they got there though Lexi planted herself on the ground refusing to move. "Alexus stand up."
"No." Lexi said defiantly.
"Fine." Garrett as he roughly grabbed both her arms and lifted her up to her feet. Lexi flailed her legs kicking Garrett on the shin. Garrett grimaced but kept his hold on Lexi. Garrett sat down on a chair without arms and Lexi struggled in his grasp. Garrett hefted Lexi over his knees.
"Let go if me!" Lexi screamed.
She kicked her legs and swung her arms. Garrett wrapped one leg around hers and held them tight. Lexi flung her arm behind her attempting to break free. Garrett took her arm and pinned it to the small if her back, therefore ceasing her struggles. "Let me go! Let me down!" Lexi demanded.
"Stop fighting and we can finish this."
"No!" Lexi yelled. Garrett shifted in his seat and raised his hand. Lexi let out a gasp as his hand hit her butt. The silence that followed after was excruciating, as she waited for the next one. Finally it came and hurt even more then the first. Lexi bit her lip and placed her other hand on the ground to balance herself. Garrett kept a steady pattern of swats descending on Lexi's backside, from her sit spots, to the top of thighs and both sides of her bottom. Lexi willed herself to stay quiet while she took her punishment. But it didn't work, "Stop! I said stop!" Garrett answered her with another smack to the top of her thigh. Lexi maneuvered her head to Garrett's calf,at a swat that caught her in the same place he had been hit she let out a gasp, and then bit down on Garrett's leg. He let out a yell and Lexi pushed herself off of his lap and unto the floor, landing on her ass. She let out a hiss. Garrett inspected the bite then looked at Lexi. "That's gonna cost you young lady." He said sternly. He stood from the chair and headed towards him. Lexi pushed herself back with her arms and feet away from Garrett. "Please don't, Garrett, stop!" She backed up against the desk and couldn't go any further. Garrett took Lexi by her arm and jerked her up. He took her back to the chair and sat down again. Lexi pulled away from his grasp and stood a few feet away. "Lexi don't fight me, just take it." Again he took Lexi's hand and roughly pulled her over his lap. He began the spanking again. Lexi lost her breath at the rapid fire that took residence in her abused ass. Garrett was mad that she had bit him, but he wanted to get the lesson across. He kept a steady amount of smacks with enough force to cause Lexi to flinch everytime he struck. Lexi was draped over is lap and as much as she didn't want to cry, the tears gathered in her eyes and slide down her cheeks. She tried to stifle the rack of sobs that ran through her body, from the humiliation and the pain. The words she spoke came out barely above a whisper, "Garrett, please stop, I can't do it." She paused. "Garrett please." Garret stoped his rain of punishment and looked at the hanging body of the young girl. "Have you learned you lesson?" He asked quietly. She hiccuped and caught her breath, "Yes."
"Are you sure?" She didn't answer. He popped her again, "Yes." Lexi replied harshly. Garrett delivered five more spanks in response to her rude reply. She closed her eyes and bit the inside if her cheek, to bite back a string of curses. She took a shaky breath and Garrett helped her to her feet. She stepped back from him and placed her hand on her throbbing backside. Her face was stained with unwanted tears. She sniffed and tried to wipe away the wetness from her face and any sign of crying from Garrett. He looked at her, and sad look on his face. "Did you think I wanted to do that?" She stared at him angrily and didn't answer.
" I didn't want to, but you have to realize that I did because I'm trying to help you."
Lexi let out a small laugh and glanced away. "I don't want to do it, but if you give me reason to, I will not hesitate to put you back over my knee." There was a slight pause, "Okay now you need to go apologize to your sister." She looked at him in awe. He didn't actually expect her apologize to her, when Bri already knew she was sorry. "But-"
"No, no buts. You will apologize, you will take responsibility and say you're sorry."
"This is so stupid." Lexi muttered under breath.
"Would you like to go back over my knee until you can agree to apologize?" Garrett bluntly asked. Lexi glared holes through him, or at least she wanted to.
"Alright then, come back over here and let's finish this."
"No! I'll do it."
"It better be sincere or you're going to find yourself with a very good view of the carpet." Lexi slowly nodded.
Garrett got up and walked to the doors, he opened them and motioned for Lexi to go first. As she walked by she twisted to an angle just in case he wanted to deliver another smack to her already sore bum. Thankfully no one was in the kitchen to see her red face. She climbed the stairs and turned when she heard Garrett behind her. "You don't have to go with me."
"I wanna make sure you actually do it." Lexi held back a growl and went to Brielle's door. Garrett stood behind her waiting for her to knock. Lexi clenched her hand and blew air through her mouth. She wrapped her knuckles against the door and it seemed like ages before she heard the soft voice on the other side say to come it. She opened the door and saw Brielle and Greyson sitting on Brielle's bed looking at old family albums. They looked up and saw her. Greyson patted Bri's leg and said, "I'll leave you guys alone for a minute." Bri nodded and Lexi went father into the bedroom, and Greyson squeezed her shoulder as he passed. They stood there in silence for a minute before Lexi said, "Brielle, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for yelling and pushing you and.... And for everything." Brielle rose from the bed and went to Lexi whose eyes were brimmed with shameful tears. She wrapped her arms around her and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, I'm fine."
"No it's not okay, your my sister and I shouldn't have pushed you, or cursed at you and I'm sorry." Garrett looked around the corner to see Lexi and Brielle hugging, he had heard the whole conversation and satisfied that Lexi had learned her lesson, went back downstairs.
"Here come sit onthe bed." Brielle told Lexi. They went and sat on the bed looking at old pictures from when they were young. They sat there for twenty minutes laughing and cringing at photos of their past. Brielle and Lexi looked up when they heard a knock on the door. Dallas stood in the door frame. "Yes? Bri asked.
"Sorry to inturrypt, but Alexis, I need to talk to you." Lexi glanced at Brielle who gave her a weak smile before Lexi got off the bed and headed to where Dallas was. He led her into the hall and turned to her. "This morning I know you didn't keep the bar of soap in your mouth for the whole ten minutes." Lexi gaped at him.
How could he have know? He wasn't even in there.
"Lexi, that's not exactly something you can get away with."
"But I did I swear!" Lex I said defiantly.
"Lying is going to get you in whole lot more trouble Alexis."
"I'm not lying! I had it in and it was disgusting so you can go screw yourself!"
Dallas's eyes dance with fire as her reached around and gave Lexi's bum and firm slap.
"Ow!" Lexi gasped as she stared directly at Dallas. "What was that for?" She demanded.
"For being rude and for lying." Dallas answered. "Now what do you think I should do about you lying and not keeping the soap in your mouth?"
"Let it go and forget about it?" Lexi attempted.
"Yeah nice try. Go to my bathroom."
"I'd kind of rather not...." Lexi stated.
"I don't recall giving you a choice."
"Oh come on it wasn't even that big of a deal!"
"It wouldn't be such a big deal if you had just left it in!" He took her bicep and led her to his room. "I can walk on my own, I know where your room is!" Lexi said as she shrugged off his grip. She walked into his bathroom and faced him with a scowl on her face. Dallas picked up the bar of soap and put it under water. "Oh don't do that, it's makes it even worse!"
Dallas didn't even look at her, "I know, that's the purpose." He turned to her, holding the soap up in the air. "Open up."
"No Dallas please don't make me." Lexi said while she backed up against the counter. "If you had done it this morning we wouldn't be in this position. Now open your mouth."
"This is so unfair! I've been cursing since I was a kid, it's not even that bad!"
"It's a habit I intend to break. Whether it's fair or not." Lexi looked at him pleadingly, "Those puppy dog eyes aren't going to save you. Open your mouth, now Alexis. I won't ask again." Lexi pursed her lisps together, keeping her mouth shut. "Alexis I will not fight you on this, and I don't think that you want another spanking to add on to the one you already had." Lexi huffed, him bringing it up made her temper flare. "Do you want me to get Garrett and have him come up and finish the lesson you obviously didn't learn tonight?"
"Afraid to do it yourself?" Lexi spat.
"No, but I figured one punishment today would make you just want to get it over with, I guess I was wrong. You want another spanking, fine. I'll be happy to teach you a long over due lesson." He started towards he, and she could back up no father due to the counter. "Turn around and bend over the counter." Dallas instructed her. Lexi didn't want another beating, her sorry bum already attested to that. "Okay wait I'll take the soap, just don't hit me!"
"I think you already made up your mind with the things you said earlier."
"Okay I take it all back. Please."
Dallas shook his head. "Dallas please." Lexi begged. Dallas looked at her, the pleading eyes and the trembling lip, that he was sure was just to add effect for her case. He didn't want to see her spirit broken and the whipping she took early was a harsh one. He didn't want to hurt her more. She was just a confused kid who needed to get some anger out, and her and his brothers were just the ones she was taking it out on. "Fine, but you will still keep the soap in for ten minutes. Got it?" Lexi help back a growl, "Yeah I got it. He held the soap close to her mouth, "Open." She gave the soap a disgusted look, her lips still sealed closed. Dallas closed his eyes and took a breath, "Alexis!" He yelled as he opened his eyes. Lexi popped her mouth open when he raised his voice at her. Dallas slide the soap into her mouth and Lexi slowly bit down on the horrid bar. Her face twisted at the taste of the soap reaching her taste buds. "Do not take it out." She nodded her head and lifted herself up onto the counter and sat there. She looked at the watch on her wrist, 12:17 P.M.

Okay ten minutes I can do this. Just don't cry in front of him, or puke. Yeah don't puke.

Dallas went into his bedroom and sat on a chair, he had a full view of Lexi sitting uncomfortably on the counter. Saliva gathered in Lexi's mouth, the liquid started to drip down her chin and she wiped it off with the back of her hand. She looked at her watch again. 12:20P.M.

Only three minutes! How slow can time go?

"Kayn I twake da sop wout ta swpit?" Lexi asked.
"What?" Dallas asked back. Lexi removed the soap from her mouth, "Can I spit?"
"Sure put put it right back in."
"Yeah, yeah." She bent over the sink and spit all the grossness out. She turned on the focet and caught water in her cupped hand. She slurped it into her mouth to rinse the soap out. "Hey did I say you could rinse your mouth out?" Dallas demanded. Lexi swished the water around her mouth again, then spit it out. "No, but you never said I couldn't." Lexi smarted back.
"Then this is me telling you, don't do it, it defeats the purpose. Don't do it again." Lexi rolled her eyes, she placed the bar of soap in her mouth again, scrunching her face. The time dragged by slowly. Too slowly. The taste in her mouth caused gagging, which she quickly recovered, not wanting Dallas to see her obvious discomfort. Lexi looked at her watch, 20:27 P.M. Hoorah! Lexi took the soap out the spit into the sink. She gulped water into her mouth trying to get rid of the soapy taste. "I don't recall saying you were done." Dallas told her.
"Well it's been ten minutes, so I'm done."
"Did you learn your lesson?"
"Um, yeah."
"Then what was it ?"
"What was what?"
"The lesson your were supposed to learn?" Lexi headed for the door, "Oh yeah, um it was the one lesson you tried to teach me, but my stubbornness took over, I swear I know it, I'll just have to think about it. But I don't feel like it." She walked out the door, with Dallas heading after her. "Alexis what was the lesson? You better remember or I can teach it to you again." Lexi was already at the door to her own room, "I think it was don't cuss, which probably isn't going to happen, but we can always hope."

hey guys sorry for the long wait, but here it is, the next chapter. Also sorry for all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but anyways I hope you all enjoy and if you would maybe like my story or chapter what ever you want. Also I love your comments! So please leave me some advice or critic! And if you want to see a spanking between certain people let me know I will try to make it happen!


Love you guys all the way around the world,


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