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Lexi laid in her bed, unable to sleep. Her mind was spinning around the thought of Johnathan sending her those pictures and calling her. She was sweating and it took all her will power to not scream out and cry. Lexi glanced at her clock, it was 2:58 AM. She groaned, and shoved her covers off getting up from the bed. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen the lights were already on. "Brielle what are you doing up?" Lexi asked rubbing her eyes.

"Couldn't sleep." Brielle said handing Lexi a cold bottle of water.

"Stomach problems again?"

"Yeah." Brielle voiced looking down.

"I'm sorry that's no fun."

"Yeah tell me about it."

"When are you going to tell them about the disorder?"

"Never I hope."

"Brielle you have to say something to them. What if something happens to you? They wouldn't even know what was happening. You can't hide this from them."

"Lexi stop please. I don't want to suddenly become this pity case. I do not want to be treated differently."

"You won't be, but something like Gastroparesis is not to be joked around with." Lexi said seriously.

"Let's stop talking about me, why are you up?" Brielle asked changing the subject.

"Oh no reason really, just restless I guess." Lexi said nervously not wanting Brielle to know the true nature of why should couldn't sleep.

"Well tomorrow's Wednesday, I have a feeling we are both going to be bitches tomorrow."

"When am I not a bitch?" Lexi asked a smile playing on her lips.

"Haha, you're not always a bitch, just most of the time."

"Oh well thanks a lot for that."

"Anytime my bitch, anytime." Brielle smirked. Lexi opened the freezer and took out a tub of ice cream. "Want some?" She asked.

"Nah my stomach still hurts. But I'll sit with you and eat some fruit." Brielle said pulling out a bag of frozen blackberries and rasberries. She poured some into a bowl and grabbed a spoon for Lexi. She handed it to her and they sat down on the couch in the living room. Lexi leaned on Brielle's shoulder and ate her ice cream. Brielle popped the berries into her mouth and talked to Lexi about school and friends. After a while Brielle asked about Dallas, "So how is it having Dallas know you're a smarty?" There was no answer. "Lexi?" Brielle looked down, Lexi's eyes were closed and her spoon was hanging in her mouth the ice cream tub in one hand. Brielle pulled the spoon from Lexi's mouth and placed the tub on the coffee table. Brielle move from the couch and picked up Lexi bridal style with a struggle. Brielle and Lexi were roughly the same size, although Lexi was taller than Brielle and slightly more fit. She was heavy but Brielle carried her none the less up the stairs. As she was nearing the top of the stairs her right foot stumbled at the edge and her knee landed on the step. Brielle tried to stand up but her weight plus Lexi's was to much.

Garrett stepped out of his room, he thought he had heard voices. He went towards the stairs and saw Brielle struggling to hold a sleeping Lexi in her arms. Garrett rushed foreward and put his arms under Lexi and released Brielle of the extra weight. Garrett reujusted Lexi in his grasp. Brielle pointed to Lexi's room and Garrett walked to the door while Brielle walked ahead of him to open it. He placed Lexi on her bed and Brielle folded the covers over Lexi's body. She pushed Lexi's hair off her face and tucked her arms that hung off the edge on the bed and under the blankets. Brielle walked to the door where Garrett was standing, he closed the door after she went out. Garrett took her arm and led her away from the doors of those who were sleeping. "What are you doing awake?" He asked leading her down the stairs. "I couldn't sleep. Neither could Lexi but she ended up falling asleep on me." She said as they walked down the stairs. Brielle took the melting ice cream off the table and placed the lid on the tub. She placed it in the fridge and rinsed her bowl out that was stained with the berry juice. "You realize that is almost four in the morning?" Garrett asked.

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