Past happeninngs

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Lexi headed for tryouts, she was excited for this year, she had worked hard to get as good as she was. She warmed herself up and waited for the new coach to. She could hear all the other girls whispering about the new coach, apparently he was hot. She just hoped he knew what he was doing. Lexi turned and her jaw dropped as Dallas walked onto the field holding a clip board, Lexi could hear giggles behind her and looked to see that all the girls were whispering about the new coach. Dallas blew his whistling and all the girls rose and went to him. "Alright, today are tryouts, I expect everyone's best, and if you don't make the team, you can still practice with us, you just won't play in the games unless I see fit that you are ready. Okay let's get moving, basic drills everyone grab a ball."

Lexi and the others each took a ball and started the drills. As the tryout got harder, Lexi picked up her game. One girl kicked her ball at Lexi and it connected with her stomach. "Ouch." Lexi mumbled. "Hey what was that for" Lexi asked the blond.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I didn't see you, Lexi." The girl sneered.

"What the hell have I ever done to you?" Lexi asked.

"You don't remember? Ha you wouldn't. ninth grade, boarding school, you made the soccer team and I didn't and it was because you put something in my dinner the night before."

"Oh right, you're Mara, I didn't put anything in your food. And anyways I wouldn't have needed it to beat you."

"Oh you little bitch." Mara growled.

"Oh so we've reduced to calling each other names, oh come on, that's childish."

"At least I didn't get caught for sleeping with the principle's son."

"You know nothing what happened with him, I didn't sleep with him."

"Please, everyone knew you would the whoreish type."

"Shut up, you don't know what happened." Lexi angrily said.

"What did he treat you like a slave? Ignore you after? Or did her forced you to do things?"

"I said shut up."

"Oh my gosh, he raped you didn't he? Ha oh my gosh that's what happened isn't it?"

"I said shut up!" Lexi lunged for Mara taking her down, Lexi landed her fist into Mara's face twice before Mara got in a good punch to her eye. Lexi hit Mara again, making her nose bleed. A hand took Lexi by the collar of her shirt and jerked her up from Mara. Lexi turned to see Dallas standing above them. He helped Mara up and yelled at the other girls, "Keep practicing, I'll be back."

Dallas took each girl by their arm and lead them to the school. He took them to the nurses office, only to find it empty. "Both of you, sit." He commanded. They sat. "What do you think you were doing?" He asked as he took things down from the shelves. "Well? I'm waiting for an answer."

He took Mara's face in his hand and turned it looking at all the damage. He gave her a towel for her nose and put some ice in a bag and handed it to her for her face. "It was just a fight." Lexi answered. "It wasn't anything much." Dallas turned to Mara "Like she said, it was just a little fight."

"A little fight that ended in a bloody nose and a black eye. Now I have half a mind to not let either of you onto the team." Both Mara and Lexi's head snapped to attention. "Oh no please don't, I promise it won't happen again." Mara pleaded. Dallas turned to Lexi. "Lexi?"

"It won't happen again." She answered.

"See that it doesn't, and if it does I won't hesitate to pull both of you. Now apologize to each other." Dallas finished. Mara looked at Lexi who stared back. Mara not willing to risk her spot on the team went first, "Sorry, for teasing you, and hitting you." Dallas turned to Lexi, with sighed, "Sorry." There was a moment of silence. "What are you sorry for Lexi." Dallas asked with an irritated voice.

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