Tip of the Iceberg

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School was starting in a day. In less than twenty-fours. And Lexi was up to her old tricks. "Oh Brielle!" Lexi called sweetly.
"Let me guess, before school pranks?" Brielle asked as her sister flounced into her room.
"Ding ding ding! Correct!"
"So what are we doing this time?"
"Obviously we have to prank the principal. And what I have cooked up is going to be so good!"
"Alright let's hear the plan." Brielle stated.
"Well we need the keys which we can get from Jace, peanut butter and a screw driver."
"So what are we doing? And when?"
"Tonight, and we are covering everything in molasses which is s bitch to clean up, and talking apart his furniture so if he even touches it it falls."
"And how do we plan to get there?"
"Well the school isn't too far away and all three of them are going to a dinner for all the teachers and they'll be gone for a few hours. So we can take the car that they don't take and be back before they are even done."
"You do realize that just under week ago I got a beating for taking the car?"
"Okay yes... But come on Bri, we've done this at every school we have ever been to, and we have never gotten caught! Besides some of those school had video cameras, this school doesn't!"
"How do you know?"
"Cause it's not a boarding school Brielle, it's a local school. They don't invest in cameras."
"Fine, when are we leaving?"
"When the boys leave for the dinner."
"I'll get the molasses and screw driver, you get the keys from Jace."
"Oh thanks for giving me the hard job."
"It's your idea."
"Yeah I know. I'll meet you downstairs after they leave."
"Alright see you then."

Lexi slowly opened Jace's door, she heard the water running and assumed he was in the shower. Lexi crept into the room and looked around. Finally she saw what she needed. The keys, accept they were on the counter, in his bathroom. Lexi took a deep breath and snuck to the bathroom. She pushed the door open further and went to grab the keys. She wrapped her finger around them trying to make as little noise possible. Lexi started to creep from the bathroom, and into the bedroom. Lexi glanced around once more before leaving the room.


"Alright we'll be back in a few hours, we're going to the professors dinner. Stay out of trouble." Garrett explained.

"Got it." Lexi said.

"Same." Greyson told them.

"Understood." Brielle ended.
As the King brothers left Brielle sent Lexi a smile. They waited for five minutes before also heading for the door.
"Keys?" Brielle asked.
"Check, molasses and screw driver?" Lexi answered.
"Alright let's go." Lexi said.

Lexi pulled up to the school. "Okay we have to be quiet and quick, the boys may come back early and we have to be back long before they get home."


Lexi turned the key in the lock, it unlocked with a click. "Oh yes, come to papa!" Brielle rolled her eyes at her. They walked in and made a beeline to the principal's office. "Alright Bri, the fun begins. Just make sure that he can't see it until he's grabbing for it. I'll unscrew the chairs and desk."

"Got it. How long we staying?"

"Twenty, thirty minutes tops."

"Good, this shouldn't take too long."
Then took to their work. Brielle slathered the molasses to the bottom of every item she found. She put it all in his desk and on the things she found in it, and even on papers and files. She finished off by spreading it on his fine brown leather chair. It blended nicely. Lexi took all the screws out from principal Lybrand's chair. She hid the screws under a loose floorboard and then proceeded to take the screws out from the desk, then the two chairs that sat before it. She also put those beneath the floorboard. And the job was done. It had been close to thirty minutes. "Okay Lexi lets go, it's done."

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