Chapter 3.

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Toby's POV: I went to bed after Masky left....why did he kiss me? I thought he didn't like me like that, I woke up at four in the morning and I couldn't get back to sleep so I walked to Masky's room.

Masky's POV: I heard I knock on my door making me wake up, I walk to the door and open it to my surprise it was Toby "Toby its four in the morning why aren't you sleeping?" I waited for Toby's answer "I was sleeping but I woke up and now I can't get back to sleep" Toby explained I told him he can sleep in here for the night.

Toby's POV: I thanked Masky and sat on the floor Masky told me I could sleep on the bed also, I was a little bit awkward about the idea but I went on the bed and cell asleep.

Masky's POV: I smiled as Toby fell asleep he was so adorable, I yawned and fell asleep and shiz. I woke up at five seeing that I was hugging Toby I smiled and went back to sleep.

~Sorry I'm lazy and tired so have this for now ~

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