Chapter 12.

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~You guys omg thank you so much for the many reads this book is like the only good book I wrote. Anyway I'm going to starts writing. ~

Toby's POV: I ended up kissing Masky back of course I was blushing but still, I thought it was sorta weird that I enjoyed kissing him but I got over it. We finally stopped kissing and the ride started up again and we got off, Masky was getting hungry and so was I, we started to walk home. When we where home I made Masky and I some food, "This is really good" Masky said with I smile, I nodded agreeing with Masky after we finished dinner I was tired so I went to my bedroom and Masky went to his. ~Time skip!~ I woke up to see that I was on the floor I don't know how or when that happened but I dealt with it and got up, I went to the bathroom s I could fix my hair and brush my teeth, I thought I should do something nice for Masky so I went and made heart shaped blueberry pancakes and brought them to Masky's room. I got to his room and knocked "Its unlocked" I heard Masky mumble, I giggled and walked in "Good morning sleepy head" I said with a smile, Masky looked up at me and laughed "I love you Toby" he laughed, I walked over and gave Masky his pancakes.

Masky's POV: Toby came over to me and gave me a plate of pancakes "Awww you made those for me!" I said to Toby, he just laughed "I wanna see if you like them" Toby smiled I could see the corners of his mouth go up so I could tell he was. "You want the first bite Toby?" I asked "Nooo I want you too" Toby made a cute face, I giggled "Fineeeeee" and I took a bite of the most delicious pancakes I've ever had. "Toby! These are amazing!" I said "Why thank you" Toby laughed.
~Oh my god its another time skip!~ I had to go on another mission, I would have rather stayed home with Toby but slender would kill me if I didn't. I got to the place I had to go waiting for the person slender wanted me to kill, I sat there waiting and waiting but the guy never came, "What a waist of time" I sighed and started to go back but that's when I heard footsteps, I turned to see the guy I griped onto my weapon ready to kill him.

~Oh cliffhanger, Ok so guys IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY for not updating my family has been fighting more lately and it's making me feel like trash but anyway here's you're update <3~

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