Chapter 7.

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Masky's POV: I took Toby to the boat and let him get in, I mostly set up the boat ride because I knew it was Toby's favorite. I smiled and looked over at Toby he looked at me smiling, I love his smiles they where so adorable.

Toby's POV: Masky was so cute, I was happy that he's been trying so hard to make me happy. As we got farther into the boat ride it got adorable there where flowers and hearts everywhere pretty much but it was nice.

(I'm so sorry im probably killing you people with cuteness ;-;)

Masky's POV: It was getting sorta late so I grabed two blankets and pillows I took Toby to a opening in the forest and put the blankets and pillows down, Toby and I stayed up looking at the stars. It was such I nice night...I wish this could last forever.

Toby's POV: I want this to last forever Masky is a amazing person  I still don't understand why he would do all of this for me, I was getting really tired so I ended falling asleep cuddling next to Masky.

~I wish not being so tired would last forever ;-; but anyway Thank you guys for so many reads, I thought everyone that read my story's would hate them.~

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