Chapter 18.

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Toby and Ben looked at Masky and looked back at the plate then Masky knew Toby and Ben broke a plate again...Yes they have broke things many times. Toby got out the broom an swept up the glass and then dumped it into the trash where the author lives (Just kidding XD). After that they go outside and start to pick up the slip an slide, they three notice that everything is gone. They looked around for a while but found nothing so they all went back inside, the first thing Ben does when he gets inside is he yells being a idiot waking slender up and oh look there he is and he hits Ben on the head with a rolled up newspaper "Bad Ben! We already talked about this!" Ben goes and sits in his corner of shame and cries.(Corner of shame is mine) Toby looks Masky and smiles a bit.

~Im tired so this is where the chapter leaves off~

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