Chapter 14.

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-(No one's pov)-

It was the day of the wedding, everyone was happy and smiling while Masky was in his room being a nervous wreck. He didn't know how to act, but Toby came in and told him "You'll be fine, trust me" Masky smiled and finished getting ready. It was finally time for the wedding. Everyone was waiting for Masky to walk down the aisle (Don't know if that's how it's spelled). The vows where said and Masky and Toby where married. As the married couple where leaving a drunk driver hit Toby. Everyone's mood had changed they all got Toby to a hospital. They where all scared the doctor had told them Toby doesn't have a good chance that he will live, everyone was in his room waiting with so much hope that Toby will wake up. Weeks later there hope was gone they have waited but there was no sign of him waking up, Masky was losing hope but he still went and hoped his beloved would wake up. A month has past everyone became depressed and didn't do anything all they did was sit and wait, they wanted there Toby back, Masky was out on a walk when he came across the swan boat he had made for there date. Masky took the boat, taking it apart piece bye piece Masky started to make a bridge to the other side, of course he had to go get more wood but he finished it, he walked over taking the lights from one of there dates and hanging them high in the tree, climbing back down he put flowers all around the tree wishing Toby was there with him. He had ran out of all his hope that Toby would wake up. Masky lays down remembering all the nice times they had together. In the distance he could here his name being called.....

~Sorry it took so long but hey! There ya go sorry if it seems rushed and short I'm really tired and lazy also feels won ok bye~

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