Chapter 15.

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-(Still no one's pov)-

Masky thought he was going crazy but he could swear that he could hear someone calling his name, Masky got up and looked around for a while but found nothing. He sat on the ground and sat there for what seemed like forever, he then felt something on his shoulder Masky looked up at what it was and saw it was Toby!? Toby started to say something... "Masky...Why didn't you save me!?" Then everything went dark Masky couldn't see it was pitch black, Masky repeatedly kept hearing whispers and they grew closer and closer until Masky heard next to his ear, "What happens next?" Masky jumped awake, it appears he had fallen asleep, next thing he did was run to the hospital and when he got to his room what he saw made him burst into tears. Masky ran back to the mansion and told everyone to follow him back to the hospital, so they did and everyone was surprised...

~Seems like I'm doing bad at writing ~

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