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"Oh hey Court," Hunter smiled when he realized "Court?" was in the room.

"Court?" I scrunched my nose.

"Oh yeah uhm Ella this is Courtney. Our uh our nanny," he introduced me to her.

"Our nanny?? You got us a nanny?" I raised my voice, hurting my throat even more.

"Uhm I'll give y'all two a minute. I'll be back to check everything and run some tests in about ten minutes," the doctor excused himself from the room.

"Y'all two means Hunter and I "Court," I mocked her nick name.

She huffed before walking away with Blake.

"Look Ella I can explain," Hunter shot up from his seat and walked back over to the bed.

"Well then explain," I crossed my arms the best I could.

"I couldn't do it without you Ella. I knew I wouldn't be able to. I don't know how to be a single parent. I needed help. I didn't know if you would ever wake up," he spoke ever so gently.

"You couldn't do it? Did you even try? When did you hire her?" I asked him.

"Uhm two weeks ago tomorrow," he looked down at his hands in his lap.

"You mean to tell me that you tried two days without a nanny??" I raised my voice again.

"Uhm yeah. Look we don't have to keep her. As soon as you're healthy and at home we don't need her," he told me.

"Have yall been home?" I asked.

"Yeah. I flew back to get Blake more clothes. And you too," he kept looking down at the ground.

"Knock knock," I heard Courtney's annoying perky voice.

"Come in!" Hunter answered obnoxiously too soon.

"Oh Hunt you look tired. You should go back to the hotel and get so rest," she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Yeah. I think I will. Is that okay Ella?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure," I answered dryly, glancing at Courtney.

"Bye. I love you," he kissed my lips softly, something I've been dying for since the second I woke up.

"Love you too," I smiled at him.

"Okay look Ella," Courtney sat down on my bed as soon as Hunter shut the door, carrying a tired Blake with him.

"Ow you're sitting on my IV," I looked at her shocked as I tried to fix it.

"That was the idea," she smiled annoyingly at me.

I reached over to my table and obnoxiously kept hitting my red help button.

"No," she took the button from me and threw it back on the table.

"I have Hunter wrapped around my finger. You had to wake up and ruin everything. So if you could just stop being a bitch and let me have your husband that would be great," she strained her voice.

"Do you even hear how ridiculous you sound?" I laughed in her face. Or at it.

"He's my husband. I have a kid with him. You're like eighteen. Go find someone your own age. And maybe someone who is, who I don't know, SINGLE!" I shouted.

"I want your husband. And I'm going to get him," she leaned in closer to my face, pressing down harder on my IV.

"Ella, is this lady bothering you?" The nurse walked in while Courtney was still inches away from yes.

"Shit," she mumbled as she stayed still.

"Yes. Yes she is," I answered before smiling at Courtney.

Puzzle (Sequel to Puzzle Pieces)Where stories live. Discover now