Guilty Pleasure

207 28 23

I found myself lying on a strangers bed, with a strange body underneath me. A stranger that the only thing he desired was my body and I, his money. I didn't enjoy this at all, but my obnoxious needs led me to this situation. When I find myself in this position, I close my eyes and let my mind drift to another world, thinking in everything ,but the man thrusting roughly into me. The only thing pushing me was that it soon would be done and I could go away with the money.

When he finally finished with me, with a loud moan in my ear, I pushed him away and started putting my clothes on in a haste. I had to get away as soon as possible, that place was making me feel sick, it was a small motel room that only brought me bad memories.

I looked at the man, I extended my hand for him to give me the money. He looked at me with an angry stare, probably because he was hoping I could stayed with him, but it was enough for today. He gave me the money and I walked away as fast as I could.

I started the short walk to my house, a few tears wetting my cheeks. I felt disgusted and dirty. I knew this wasn't a good life, but I had to suck it up and continue with it. I know most of the people would judge me if they knew my story, but judging  is just so overrated. I didn't like to do it of course, I don't like to be a prostitute, although people think I just like having sex with different men every night or that I am a nobody; when in reality this is the only way I knew how to survive. I could easily start to steal things if I wanted to, but that just wasn't me, I like to earn my money with honesty.

I arrived home, a very small apartment that was just a few blocks away from "work". It wasn't too bad, but let me tell you, it wasn't the best thing either, but I didn't complain. Half of the money I earned was to pay rent, and the other half was for my own guilty pleasure. Rich people spent their money on a pair of shoes, big houses or cars, but I liked other things.

I took off my clothes and entered the shower taking a long time to wash off the memories of the night. When I was done I started looking for the thing I needed so much, my only happiness, the only thing I enjoy in my life. I pushed open the first cabinet of my nightstand finding the white bag with the white substance inside it, I was running out of it, I made a mental note to buy some tomorrow morning with the money I earned today. I sat down on my bed and put what was left of the white substance on top of my nightstand inhaling my problems, inhaling my shitty fucking life. Cocaine made me feel better, after feeling horrible and disguted by myself, this precious thing to me was my only escape. It made me feel happy, it cheered me up. Pushing away all my problems and sorrows. After feeling euphoric, a state of relaxation invaded me, and I let myself fall into a deep sleep.


I was on the same spot as every night, it was a lonely street, full of girls doing the same thing I do for a living. I waited on my feet, even when they were screaming at me to sit down, while I waited for a car to take me to my nightmare. It was the same routine every single night; put on my slutty clothes, smoke a cigarette, go to my spot to wait for a man to pick me up. Suddely two cars pulled up and all the girls started fixing their clothes, I did the same, I needed money for more cocaine. A 30 years old looking guy came to me and pulled me to him roughly, I hated when they treated me like an object but I had no choice but to suck it up.

"How much the hour sweety?" he told me with a creepy smirk.

"200" I said looking away.

"What?" he laughed at my face, spitting on me. " You're pretty but not that much"

I showed him my cleavage and he smiled.

"It will be worth it" he touched my boobs not having a bit of respect for me.

Suddenly a bright light from another car blinded me, I saw with shocked eyes that it was a ferrari, I saw all the girls going crazy and I just stood there with a shocked expression, the last man I expected to be here was just closing the back door of the luxurious car.

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