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Samantha's POV

Harry took me back to the hotel in no time. We didn't talk, we couldn't even see each other. The tension was overwhelming and I didn't know how to stop it from being this awkward. We arrived and Harry opened the door for me. When we were in the elevator I felt every eye on me, of course, I was just wearing a sweater that only reached mid-thigh. Harry took my hand in his as a comfort and I appreciated it. He opened the door of the room for me and a tear escaped from my eye when all the memories hit me back. I was ashamed of myself, I was afraid because the man I was with didn't even use a condom. I was afraid because I don't know what would happen to me. I was scared of life. I felt Harry's hand on my waist leading me to the kitchen. I was starving to death, two days without eating would do horrible things to you. I was about to eat the massive sandwich Harry prepared me when he spoke. 

"You need professional help" His serious tone made me look up. I nodded. I knew I needed help, there was no doubt about it.

"I don't have money Harry, you know that" I stared at my untouched sandwich not daring to look at him.

"I will take care of that Sam, I just want you to be happy" I finally found the courage to look at him, his eyes were shinning. I know it's wrong to accept money but I had no other option. 

"I swear that when I can, I will pay you back" I immediately stood up and hugged him with all the strength I had left, he hugged me back the same way.


The next week around ten in the morning we arrived to the place I will be living for the next month. An old woman lead us to my room, it was small; with a small bed, a desk near the window, a small bathroom and a closet.

Harry placed my bag on top of the bed while I sat down on the chair near the desk. I didn't like the place at all, but if I wanted to get over this I had to just suck it up.

"I like it, it suits me" I said to Harry, scrutinizing the room.

"I like it too, it's not that bad right?" He was pacing around the room, not able to stay still.


We remained in silence, I could sense that Harry wasn't comfortable in this place. It was obvious that a rehabilitation clinic wasn't comfortable at all. Harry understood me and I was sure he was feeling awful because he was leaving me in a place like this, but it wasn't his fault.

A woman of the staff, I think she is the chief, arrived to the room with a yellow envelope. I noticed she was forcing a smile when her eyes met mine. I stood up from the chair and looked at Harry, he gave me a reassuring nod and I moved to stand by his side.

"Mr. Styles and Samantha" She said our names with a fake content voice "I'm glad to announce you that the results from the tests we made to Samantha were all negative" Harry smiled at me and I smiled back with the same enthusiasm. Before coming here, I had to have a medic examination to eliminate any threat. I was excited because I didn't have any diseases.

"So, she starts the treatment today?" Harry asked her.

"That's right, she starts tomorrow morning. She will have individual and group therapies. I suggest her to assist to all of them, you will find a lot of support. The hardest thing to do Samantha is to accept the reality and you have already done that, so you just need someone to push you to make you feel better" At first she was talking like I wasn't in the room but then she directed the attention to me. Both, Harry and her, were looking at me while I nodded.

"Can I visit her?" Harry asked, his eyes shining, like he was about to cry.

"Only on Thursdays" I didn't like this at all, I am used to see Harry every day and now they're making him come only once a week. I know by the way Harry looked at her that he wasn't pleased as well.

"I will give you some privacy to say goodbye" She left the room with that.

"She seems a little fake" I whispered. Harry laughing at my comment.

"Maybe, but her intentions are good" He said getting closer and taking both of my hands in his. "Are you going to be okay?" His tone was serious again.

"You bet your ass on it" I joked a little, making both of us laugh. "I'm a little afraid though" My voice turning serious.

Harry hugged me putting his hands on my hips and kissing the top of my head. I put my head in his chest and felt his heart beating.

"I know you can get over this Sam, you're the strongest woman I have ever known. I will always be here for you, no matter what" His words made my eyes water. He has so much faith in me.

"I don't want to disappoint you" I whispered

"You won't love, if you fall I'll be here to pick you up. I you lose faith in yourself I'll give you the strength to believe in yourself again." He placed his hands on my face "Always remember that"

"I will miss you" My voice barely audible.

"I'm going to miss you too baby" He hugged me again with such a force that I think his smell will lingered on my clothes at least today, which made me extremely happy. When we were done hugging he wiped the tears on my cheek with his finger and kissed my cheek.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" I told him.

"You too beautiful" And with that he left. Leaving me alone once again.

I knew how hard it will be for me being without him by my side, but I had to be strongand get the fuck over it. I rest on the bed crying in silence, until my eyes had no tears left. I lost track of the time just looking at the roof tiles counting them over and over again. My head felt like shit and my eyes were red and puffy. I took the little book they left on my desk and started reading. The rules were simple and obvious: No drugs,no visiting, attend to the meetings etc. After reading it all like three times, blaming my boredom, I felt the sensation of anxiety coming back again. I stood up and began walking in circles, 24 hours without taking any drugs and I was a mess. I started to hit the pillow, over and over again until I fell asleep.


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