Dogs' Heaven

142 20 8

Samantha's POV

I was sitting on his lap, and he was about to kiss me. I knew the attraction was big and I wouldn't be able to resist him anymore. I was about to close the space when I felt something vibrating underneath me.

"Shit" he whispered. I got up and stood awkwardly between his legs.

"Excuse me." He is so polite. He grabbed his phone that was on his front pocket and looked at the screen. I don't know what he saw or who was calling but he was pale, extremely pale. He froze like a minute, just looking at his phone. I was freaking out.

"Harry, are you okay?" I touched his arm and he jumped away from me. What was his problem?

"Sorry Samantha, just let me answer this" and with that he stood up and walked away from me and from our kiss. I saw him opening the balcony door and closed it. I sat on the couch again immediately regretting the last 10 minutes. What was I thinking when I started to lift my dress up? What the fuck was I thinking when I was about to kiss him? He is so tantalizing that I can't think straight when I'm with him. I was mortified, my capricious behavior was unbelievable. I know I have behaved worse, but only with my clients. But Harry isn't one of them, he was different. I strenuously believe that he wasn't going to try something with me, at least if I don't want him to.

He was gone for like 10 minutes. And I was left thinking about everything, now that I wasn't on drugs my mind couldn't stop inflicting me. I remembered how my mom hated me, the antipathy she had for me was enormous. I was an ignominy for her, I think I am looking for a stronger word, maybe opprobrium. She abhorred me. But for some bizarre reason I didn't hate her, I admired her. Even though every day she hit me, she chastised me, she said spiteful words that I still remembered, I couldn't hate her, she was the only person I have memories of in my life. Everyone else didn't even notice I was alive. The only good memory I have, until now, was when Harry gave me the cupcakes. Everything else was just horrible. I know I have had a bad start in life, and that I am the one to blame. But I have always dream about changing. Stop doing drugs, get a proper job and have a family. Unfortunately I was too weak for that. But enough of my drama, I don't like to relive those moments. I wiped a tear that was about to fall, I was being such a baby tonight, and I totally hated it. I looked up when I heard a cough right in front of me. I was so into my memories that I didn't hear Harry walking towards me.

"Are you okay?" He sounded worried. I nodded and stared at my hands on my lap.

"Do you need something?" He insisted. I said no with my head and he sighed. I felt his weigh as he sat down to my left.

"I'm going to tell you a joke." He blurted out. What the hell? I looked up to him and he was smiling, very proud of himself for capturing my attention.

"Are you ready? This is my favorite one." His smile was contagious and I was smiling at him, forgetting my past in a heartbeat.

"Okay, let's see if you're good at this" I challenged him, one of the guys that I had sex with once, was good with jokes, I learned a few from him, there's no way Harry will win on this one.

"Bring it on" He accepted. He was containing his laugh, I knew it by the way his dimples looked.

"Why did the potato go to France?" He sounded so confident about himself that I had to laugh.

"Why?" I answered with a big smile on my face. He stared at me for like 10 seconds and laughed before answering, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Because it wanted to be a French fry" I think I have never heard him laugh so hard before. He was bending forward with a hand on his belly, and his eyes were closed. I was laughing at him, not at the horrible joke. Worst joke I have ever heard. But he was so cute and his laugh was so contagious I couldn't keep my face straight. We had tears in our eyes and Harry was looking at me. He was perfect. Our laughter finally ended and it was my turn.

"That was a shitty joke" I had the biggest smile on my face as I cleaned my tears. He looked hurt as he touched his chest with an open mouth.

"Hey! Don't be rude! That was the coolest and funniest joke ever! Everyone laughs with it! That was my strongest weapon! AND YOU WERE LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF!" His voice became higher and higher. He was like a baby. I laughed at him and he remained with his shocked face.

"They probably laughed because they felt pity for you or because your laugh is so contagious" I told him and he immediately stood up putting his hand on his chest again. He was so funny and so dramatic.

"Okay okay it was funny, sorry for being rude. That was the 'coolest and funniest' joke ever" The sarcasm on my voice was very clear.

"Stop being sarcastic" He looked so offended. I stared at him with admiration. He was the funniest, prettiest and the best person I have ever met. He was unique.

"I'm sorry, it was a good one" My serious face and voice convinced him.

"Okay okay love, your turn" He sat down next to me again, his eyes were shinning and his cheeks were pink. What a beautiful sight.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"


"To get to the idiots door" He was going to say something but I stopped him.

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?" He was raising an eyebrow

"The chicken" I finished laughing. It was the best joke ever. He stared at me smiling but not laughing. What was his problem? He should be laughing.

"That was such a dumb joke" He told me. Now I was offended. He didn't have a sense of humor! That must be his problem. Now I was the one with the mouth hanging open and the hand on the chest, unbelievable, that was my best joke.

"You're just jealous because my joke was better than yours" I know I was being arrogant but who cares? My joke was better.

"No, I'm not. That is the lamest excuse, you're acting like a baby." We were smiling to each other.

"Whatever, mine was funnier" I said putting closure to the argument.

"Okay, fine. But mine was better" I heard him whispered to himself and I chose to ignore it. If we continue like this we will never stop.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Which one?"

"Ummmm what about "Hachiko: a dog's story" He asked. I have never heard of that one but let's give it a try. I love dogs so this will be good.

"Sure" He stood up and walked into the bedroom. One minute went by and he appeared with a movie case on his hand.

"Are you ready to cry?" He had a smile on his face.

"I have never cried watching a movie" That was bullshit, of course. I'm a sentimental person, I always cry watching movies.

"Yeah right" His sarcasm was clear. He turned on the TV and started the movie. He sat next to me and I wanted to get closer to him, but I didn't dare. After 10 minutes of watching I was totally into the movie. Like in the middle of it I was already cuddled on Harry's side and he was brushing my hair with his finger. The peace I felt right now was incredible. At the end of the movie I was crying so hard I couldn't stopped the sobs getting out of me. Harry was with some tears in his eyes and he looked at me with a sad smile on his face.

"Oh baby, come here" I jumped to his arms and he hugged me tightly, the sobs just wouldn't stop. That movie broke my heart.

"Shhhh, it's okay it's okay" he soothed me.

"IT IS NOT OKAY! OH MY GOD! POOR BABY! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! LIFE IS SO UNFAIR, HOW COULD? WHAT'S THE? OH MY GOD I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS! I LOATHED THAT MOVIE!" I screamed with all my force, Harry hugged me harder than before and kissed my hair.

"It's okay love, Hatchiko is in the dogs' heaven now" He was not helping at all because I cried harder. We remained like that for almost an hour until I fell asleep.

I woke up on the bed with no sign of Harry.


LONGG CHAPTEEEER!!! HIIII ty to yall for reading! I hope you like it! If you do pls vote and comment! I want to know your opinion!!!! Eva out

Lots of love!- Not H xx

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