They told me...

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I looked at his eyes one last time.

"I'm going to take a shower." His hand left my arm and I walked to the bathroom with a slow pace. I knew this was wrong, it was really wrong, but he looked so sad when I told him I was going to leave, and somehow he convinced me to stay. I locked the bathroom door and gasp. It was so beautiful, there was a huge mirror, a really big bathtub that probably could hold like 10 humans and maybe a dog, a shower, another door that I think it's the toilet. It was all very fancy, and not my style at all, but I loved it. I stripped, not daring to look at myself in the mirror, and turned on the hot water fast. It was delicious, I haven't had one of this in ages, the shower of my apartment broke and I didn't have the money to fix it. I took my time washing myself and in like 20 minutes I finally got out feeling refreshed. I dared to look in the mirror and the girl that was staring at me wasn't the one I knew a few years ago. My skin was pale, I had bags under my lifeless eyes and I had some bruises on my arms and legs that I didn't even know where I got them from.

I grabbed a towel and put it on feeling disgusted. I knew my worth, I saw how beautiful other girls were, I realized I wasn't important long ago and I understood that there wasn't any purpose for me in life. Harry is really trying to fix the impossible. When I was little everyone told me that cigarettes were bad, but no one told me that hating myself can grow up faster than a tumor. They told me that I never should stop thinking, but they never told me that thinking so much will kill my happiness. They told me that other people might talk shit about me, but they never told me that instead of listening to other people I should have listened to myself. They warned me about drugs and how bad they are, but they never told me about the people that forced you to take it. They told me the difference between right and wrong, but they never told me that doing the wrong thing will feel so right. They told me that alcohol could kill me, but they never told me that if I drink the perfect amount it will taste like love. They told me that if I eat too much, I will throw up, but they never told me that if I didn't eat I will always throw up. They warned me about the men with knives that could hurt me, but they never told me that I was going to be the one cutting myself. They all told me the things that could kill me, but they never told me that I wasn't supposed to kill myself.

I wiped the few tears that left my eyes and opened the door. Harry was lying on the couch with the TV on. When I coughed to get his attention he turned around and immediately closed his eyes. The image was so sweet that I started laughing, hard, I couldn't stop and he was now laughing too with his eyes still closed.

"I sent my friend for some clothes for you, they are on the bed, and they should fit" He assured me with his eyes still closed. I went to the bedroom and found the bed filled with bags. I stared at the bags with shock, like which girl wouldn't like to find a bed full of clothes? I chose the first thing I grabbed from the bag that was closer to me and it was a beautiful sundress. It was just perfect, I grabbed underwear from the Victoria Secret's bag and put them on along with the dress. I tried to comb my hair with my fingers and pinched my cheeks trying to bring some color. I shyly went to the living room where Harry was still focused on some Green Bays game. I coughed awkwardly again and he turned around and his mouth fell open. What was the problem? I knew I was going to look ugly, but when do I look pretty? I felt so ashamed and the self-esteem I didn't have dropped to the floor. Suddenly he spoke with a really raspy voice.

"You you look..."


HELLOOOOO! Eva here! If you liked it please comment and vote! I'll update a longer one tomorrow bc this one is too short.Thank you so much for giving this ff a chance! I do hope you continue reading it.... Bye nooow!

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