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"Let's take this slowly" He whispered softly in my ear. I was surprised, every men I have been with wanted to go fast, only for their pleasure. But Harry seems to be different, does he like to go slow? Will he make me do a performance for him? He was probably my best-looking client, he was so beautiful. The way his eyes looked at mine with tenderness, the way his dimples appeared when he smiled, the way he walked, the way he laughed, everything about him was glorious.

With all the courage I had in me I kissed him, I wanted to end this as soon as possible, the second my lips touched his, he pulled away and smiled at me.

"No offense, but I didn't bring you here for that" I was confused obviously, was he one of those guys who just like sex and no kissing at all? I can do that, no problem. I grabbed the end of his blouse and started lifting it when he stopped me.

"Samantha, I don't want to have sex with you" What? Is he serious?

"What?" I stared at him with a straight face "Why am I here then?"

"Don't worry, I'll pay you every cent" He assured me "I needed to get you out of that place"

"What?" I was completely clueless, what the fuck is he talking about?

"I want to help you, I know you're not a bad person and I bet that what you do... is for necessity and not because you like it." His eyes were glowing.

"How? Why-y? What?" I stuttered, I didn't understand. What was his problem? Is he crazy?

He took my hands and looked straight at my eyes.

"Can you explain yourself?" I asked. He sighed and agreed.

"Last time I saw you, you caught my attention, I have never seen anyone in your condition, you were starving to death." I felt my cheeks burning "I noticed the looks everyone gave you and the way you were dressed. I immediately knew how you earned your money" I looked down at my feet, this was so embarrassing, my eyes were beginning to water"I knew right away that I had to help you, I was trying to look for your information but that didn't help at all, I should've asked you more about yourself the day I met you but that was just too creepy. I thought I was never going to find you, my opportunity of helping you was gone, I looked for you for 2 days, until I found you, and here you are; safe, healthy and with me."

I was speechless. What was he talking about? I was furious, who does he think he is? This was unbelievable. I didn't know what to say or what to do. What the fuck was he saying? Am I a pet project now? I was capable of taking care of myself and I didn't need anyone helping me, someone tried once and I was so stupid I fell into his trap. That arsehole only wanted me for unpaid sex. I couldn't believe Harry was this type of guy, and when I was starting to believe he was a good one, a beautiful good one.

"What the fuck do you mean? Is this some kind of bad joke? You are sick" I screamed at him. He was surprised, let me tell you. The look on his face was priceless.

"I I'm so sorry if I offended you, that wasn't my intention" He stuttered looking everywhere but me.

"Keep your stupid money, I'm leaving" I began walking to the door when he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, we were so close I could smell his cologne, it was delicious, he was staring at my face with determination, like he was memorizing every single detail of it, and I was doing the same, I noticed everything. How his eyes had a combination of gold, the pimples all over his face, the little hair growing under his chin, how big were his eyelashes and last but not least, how pink were his plump lips, the perfect shade, he was so majestic.

"Samantha, please don't leave. I swear to God I was just trying to help, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, just give me one night." Should I believe him? Our eyes met and we stood there looking at each other for what felt like ages. Should I trust him? I was in a battle with myself, my brain tells me to stay and use him for his money, but my heart couldn't afford another disappointment.

"Please, stay." His eyes brighter than ever, and I took a decision. A bad one may I add.



HIIIIII! If you liked it pleaaaase vote! I know is a little bit boring and all that but I promise it will get interesting soon! By the way Samantha is played by Pheobe Tonkin but with brown eyes!

Eva out!

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