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Samantha's POV

When I woke up I was in my room. Harry was right beside me, what the hell happened? The last thing I remembered was Harry in the elevator and everything going black. I tried to sit up but I couldn't, my head was spinning around.

"Stay there Sam, it's okay, I'm here now" He was looking at me with a sad expression. Oh God did he find out what I was doing? If he did, this will be the end of this. I couldn't let him deal with this. Helping a drug addict prostitute was enough.

"What happened?" My voice sounded raspy, my throat was completely dry.

"You fainted when you saw me" He smiled at me "I know I'm hot, but not that much" I laughed at that, cocky much?

"I probably fainted because you're too ugly for my sight" Who am I kidding? He was too beautiful for my sight.

"Yeah, that's probably why" He chuckled and I was happy again, the anxiety was gone.

"Are you thirsty?" He asked. For you, definitely.

"Yes, can you bring me some water please? I don't think I can stand up" I know I was being dramatic but it feels good to have someone taking care of you.

"Of course love, I'll be right back" He stood up and walked out of the room. I heard my stomach complaining, I realized I didn't eat today, I was starving. I stood up feeling dizzy but I got my shit together and walked to the kitchen. Harry was carrying a cup of water and a plate with two sandwiches in one hand. I never noticed how big his hands were, it was unbelievable.

"What are you doing here, are you okay? Are you feeling dizzy? Do you want to eat on the couch or on the bed?" I stopped him, he was asking too many question and I have a headache.

"I'm okay, just a little bit dizzy and I will like to eat on the table if you don't mind" I smiled at him, it was incredible, two hours ago I was about to die and now I'm good and smiling at him.

"Okay, but sit down and stay still, I don't want you fainting on me again" He raised an eyebrow and I immediately flushed. Oh God, I was such an idiot.

"I'm just kidding love, you could faint on me anytime, I don't mind" His cocky smile made me swoon. I smiled at him, again. Jeez I'm so smiley when I'm with him. I sat down on the table and he placed the plate of sandwiches in front of me. It smells so good. I took a bite and I tasted heaven. Best sandwiches I have ever eaten. I finished them in a heartbeat moaning when I took the last bite.

"Did you like them?" He had an anxious look on his face, he was nervous.

"Best sandwiches ever, I have to congratulate the chef" I said meaning every single word.

"Then you should congratulate me" He has got to be kidding me! He made them? Wow, when I thought he wasn't able to surprise again.

"You made them?" He nodded and I stood up and gave him a round of applauses. He bow down with the biggest smile on his face. I laughed out loud at that. Suddenly he pulled out his phone with a frown on his beautiful face.

"Sam, I need to go now, there is a phone on the table with my number on it. If you need anything just give me a call and I will be here as soon as I can okay?" I nodded, he was too serious.

"Are you okay Harry?" He smiled at me but I knew it was fake. Something was wrong but he didn't want to tell me, it's none of my business anyways. He waved at me and left.

I was alone again, with no distractions at all. I knew that in a bit the anxiety will come back, I had no drugs, and I couldn't go to Adam's again after the show I made. I walked to the bathroom, maybe a bath will calm me up. I started to run the water while I get undressed. The anxiety was coming back, and my only distraction just left. I got in the bath and immediately relaxed. I was trying to think of everything but the cocaine. At first it worked but later on I was starting to feel the desperation again. I wiped the few tears running down my face and tried to breathe. In no time I was suffocating. You don't know how bad this feels until you live it. My mind was running wild, thinking of anything that will help. A memory came back to me.


"You're crazy" I screamed, my eyes were full of tears, I couldn't see Lacey hurting herself. She looked at me with pleading eyes, I took her wrists with force but her strength was unbelievable even when she was on that condition. She pulled me to her, placing her mouth on my ear.

"I didn't have the money, it was paying rent or drugs" she whispered "I couldn't be homeless, I needed to do this new method to stay sane"

"Does it work?" I whispered as well. She stepped back and smiled.

"What do you think?" She asked me with a satisfactory smile.

*End of flashback*

I opened my eyes and I stood up to look for a razor. I found one on the top drawer and I broke it. My breathing and pulse went faster, I could feel the adrenaline running through me. I sat down again in the tub and looked at the sharp razor. I have never tried this method before, I hope it works. Yes, I was scared, but the anxiety was stronger than the fear. I grabbed the razor with force and I placed it on my arm. I was breathing hard. I did my first cut and the blood started to drop filling the water. The wound was palpitating and the pain was unbearable. I started to do the same process over and over again, soon enough the pain was going away. After 10 cuts on one arm I placed the razor on the other one and repeated the procedure.

When I thought it was enough I dropped the razor to the floor and put my head on top of the tub. The adrenaline was fading and a feeling of peace replaced it. I felt so good. The anxiety was gone, the frustration was gone. I was okay, it worked. I was closing my eyes when I heard the front door opening. I was so comfortable I didn't make any efforts to move.

"Sam?" it was Harry "Sam, where are you?"

Harry knocked the door. I bit my lip, I didn't want to answer. Probably if I remain quite he will leave.

"Samantha" he repeated "are you there?"

I didn't answer and I let my body relax. I looked towards the ceiling and took a deep breath. I heard the door opening. I didn't turn to see him. I knew the face he will make. I have seen it before.


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